Buy Existing Endowment: $100

To buy an existing public school, complete these steps:

  1. Visit Education Vote [BuyOne]
  2. Enter your member email address and your password and click Submit Query button.
    (If you have not signed up, you can do so at that point.)
  3. On the "Select State of Public School/System" page, select the state where your school organization is located. Click the Submit State Location button.
  4. On the "Public Education Vote Options" you can do two things
    1. Vote for a school if you have not done so already.
    2. Buy Lifehour Rights if available.

If your public school or school system is not in the list, you can create the endowment.

Since the endower receives one share per vote by other people, some endower's will end up with 5- or 6-digit accumulation of lifehour shares:

  1. 10,000=$250,000
  2. 100,000=$2,500,000

The cost of endowing the largest and smallest state university is the same: $100.