Ballot Divide by 7 for Test Title bb_config (fxBrainbeesTest): of
(db=timismor_bb_test_el_hours w/82 items)

Please vote by deadline of 20180910_142744


Divide by 7 Ballot Item intro:
  1. If politicians make good policies, the polity in the polis will be polite w/o police.(2402) ID: 2502
  2. If we do not share the work through the timeclock then we will share it through higher rates of taxes, crime, insurance and inflation.(12264) ID: 12364
  3. Does putting a drunk in another car make the roads safer and better? Does putting habitual politicians in charge of another tax system make the system safer and better?(10039) ID: 10139
  4. If we do not do what is right we will suffer what is wrong.(12124) ID: 12224
  5. If you like high taxes, vote the incumbent or do not vote at all. To stop the theft of taxes and time, vote independent.(5343) ID: 5443
  6. Without a Bill of Responsibility, the Bill of Rights murders the hard-working, tax-paying responsible citizen who tries to do right. (poster ttd) (See ID: 5455
  7. Igknowance is bliss until igknowed problems blitz your life.(5285) ID: 5385

Votes: (Maximum items to vote: 6)

[WinnerFinalist: No, Finalist Winner: Runoff needed]