Ballot 1st, Divide by 7 for Test legislation of
(db=timismor_bb_usva23219_recall w/2058 items)

Please vote by deadline of 2018-06-26 02:49:16


Vote using the below Submit button (not the above Reply option). Please enter the numbers of the items you like in the order of most liked to least liked. Votes are weighted.

Take your time reviewing the problem-solutions and/or problem-solvers. Remember, the selections will save or waste your time many times over, far greater than the few minutes of voting the item that you think is the best time-saver.

Votes: (Maximum items to vote: 6)

1st, Divide by 7 Ballot Item intro:
  1. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. ( [1(1)]
  2. Women 50/50: Better Government with fewer Dumb-Stickers.(295) ( [1(2)]
  3. The road to hell is paved with good intentions from bad visions.(246) ( [1(3)]
  4. Without a Bill of Responsibility, the Bill of Rights murders the hard-working, tax-paying responsible citizen who tries to do right. (poster ttd) (See ( [1(4)]
  5. In order of robbery, one can steal more by buying a gun, a computer, a lawyer, an economist, and, last but not least, a politician.(148) ( [1(5)]
  6. Given what is at stake, we should assume the worst on climate change.(99) ( [1(6)]
  7. Do not vote for yourself. Your submission will be cancelled.
    Morality without practicality is immoral.(50) ( [1(7)]

The best government is the least government if we better self-govern. This is an avenue for you to do your part for self, family, nation and nature.

Brainbees: The Superhighway to government of the people, by the people and for the people.