Civility Brainbees: An Overview

Too often public forums fail to optimally inform the public on issues, that is, problem-definitions and problem-solutions. Among the many reasons is a mass meeting descending into riots or near-riots as volume of noise is used to determine the agenda.

With civility brainbees, participants submit their issues in advance and use brainbees to prioritize the sequence of issue review at the public meeting. Thus, logic will prevail rather than noise in choosing issues.

As it the case with all brainbees, civility brainbees are educational, non-discriminatory and efficient. Lifehour rewards can be built into the system to reward the person(s) with the Einstein moments.

Civility brainbees can be used in the academic setting for prioritizing questions on subject matter. They have a forward and backward component.

The civility input page seems complicated at first. However, the end-user will learn to use it quickly to optimize the productivity of one's public meetings--see Civility Brainbee Request.