benefits: vaccines, timism-funded health cures, loans, accounts ... who are deniers of climate hell and anti-democracy

What's wrong. What needs to be done.

The deep state can only be financed by deep pockets which is not the Democrats. The Res Pubers not only have the money but they control the 4 major TV network from which this red herring is constantly dog whistled for the low-information MAGGOTs.

When millions have billions in lifehour credits
then we will have the political strength to legislate
their use for food, shelter, loans, and taxes.

Earn one lifehour credit for each issue that you vote, pro or con.

You can vote without a profile, but you need one to be a candidate.

Profile of Your Political Opinions

General Political Position 500 characters max
Liberal Independent Conservative Politics
Atheist Agnostic Theist Religion
I Support or I Agree ...



Climate Hell: Cancers, Criminals and CO2-Sinners

Primary Moral Imperative: Save life on Planet Earth from Climate Hell.
Global Warming Test: Slow the economy so we live not grow the economy till we die.
Deniers of humans causing climate hell should be denied the benefits of Timism .
Climate Hell is caused by over-population, too many people generating CO2.(globally, 350,000 new mouths to feed each day.)
The Cost of Humanity to Mother Nature is measured in CO2: 10% is for our needs to live while 90% is for our wants and lies.
When everyone gets into one lifeboat, it is not a lifeboat but a deathtrap: 4 annual tons CO2 per global person vs.15 annual tons per US citizen
Stopping sancturists who are killing us. US immigrants January 2024: 300,000 or 4.5 millions tons of CO2 annually for one month of immigration. (record sancturists)
Boomerang immigrants back home to confront their national problems rather than become our domestic problems and foreign wars.
Free Vasectomies: 90% of births are unplanned ... 350,000 daily global births or 5 million more tons of CO2.
WBBT and WCCO should have broadcast licences revoked. Boycott is not enough. (record) (Why)



Constitutional Amendment
Monthly local, state and national Citizen Legislation via brainbees including line-item vetos by popular vote.
Congressional Colleges to have home-based, part-time, knowledgeable citizen legislators living away from lobbyists. If we can shop from home why not vote and govern from home.
A 5-stage Presidency with the bottom stage elected annually.
A SCOTUS with 9-year terms of a new member elected annually (record). Senior becomes Chief Justice. Brainbees for courrt docket, not insider backroom politics.
Monthly Staggered Elections to eliminate election-year do-nothing Congress and the gang-rape of voters on election day.
Term limits to elect new faces for old problems
All elected and appointed offices should observe Women 50/50.
Pardons, like Citizen Legislation, should come to the President via brainbees, not sold by the President for personal gain/
Yes No Disaster Preparation Services (Public Education based)
Jabber Democracy: High schools receive over $1,000,000 for performing community vaccinations.
De-Electification for petty crimes and Bogus Ads
Food Disaster System: Cargo container distribution at elementary schools with all community members buying basic staples once a month (paid with cash or lifehours).
Anti-Bully councils with guilty family required to move out of school district.
Expert Emeriti: Retired workers who will second-guess problem-diagnoses to prevent wasted time, money and CO2 (auto and home).



Replace 401ks: Biggest bank robbery in history. Stole workers retirements.
24in4: Share Job Time or Jobless Crime. Overtime job fools work for the jobless to provide food, shelter and clothing via taxes, insurance and crime.
End 501s  that cause of higher ed hyper-inflation: More money chasing same product.... A dog chasing its tail ... A salt-water solution ...
A Product Transaction Tax so all pay a fair share of the umbrella of economic safety and stability.
Walkfare: Better and cheaper than workfare, welfare and wealthfare.



Morality for More Time, Freedom and Happiness

Sharing ideas. Y=Do not Ban Books ... N=Control Information (Record Book banners) ... Library Amber Alert
Save Life on Earth: Yes=Pro-Earth (women rights) ... No=Pro-Litter (anti-abortion)



Politics, Policy-Making and Politeness

Liberals liberate themselves from the igknowance of early life while conservatives conserve the self-beneficial falsehoods of private laws(privileges), e.g., racism.
I prefer messy democracy over messier dictatorships.
I support Timism 6-week, Zero-Cost Primary/Election process to improve democracy and save money.
Profit-Sharing Taxation, based on Level Rights, will reduce tax waste including corruption,.




Conspiracies are the purview of low-information thinkers who want to feel superior without exerting the time and sweat to learn the facts.
Boycotting secession advocates who want a second Civil War. (record)
Trump MAGGOTS are a symptom of and an impetus to White Culture decline.
Liars 2020 Election should have no benefits of Timism. (Who)
Trump self-rigged his 2020 election defeat and so do MAGGOTS self-displace. There is no replacement conspiracy, only the summation of harder-working individuals.



Ukraine: Front-line Defense of Democracy
Global Democracy Tax for Ukraine based on revenues from the Tools of Timism.
Lend-Lease Ukraine
## ## Tally: Supports ?%
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