Caveat: My internet project comes first. Without its success, the benefits dependent on success will not be possible. If you cause emotional stress as you have done in the past, I will have to delay or end any help from me to Khloi and you. Only because we developed a friendship have I overlooked your disrespect, always hoping you would stop. Now, I cannot afford the disrespect.

when  Million Dollar Windfalls or $100k : Digital Ocean and Avien.


Khloi's hours

What I will do for you:

  1. Weekly Pay
    1. $150 Internet helper: $15/hr cash for internet QC 2 hours/day (5x$30) ... zoom, skype, message, google.
    2. $120 Yard worker: $12/hr cash for yard/house work 2 hours/day(5x$24)
    3. $150 weekly bonus or more.
  2. Escalating monthly bonus on job pay 25%>50%>75%>100%
  3. Khloi
    1. Buy a single bed.
    2. Thifty weekly visit to Goodwill to buy Khloi clothes/shoes after weekly lunch (anti-CO2 pricing)
    3. MWF reward after school if good day for her.
  4. Jsarg: tutor and bus fare
  5. Anne Street Equity restart based on being on time.
  6. Passport purchase
  7. Drivers license and insurance after two months of being on time.
  8. Car purchase after three months of being on time.
  9. Alternative apartment after four months of being on time.
  10. Europe when you have passport

Considerations: BUFF is best hope for a better future.

  1. Willing to help: What I am willing to do for Khloi and you depending you fulfill the contract details
  2. Why Contract: Status of your life at quarter century mark: No education, No Job, No good history, Crime record, no license.
  3. Review on release: Will set down at a meal somewhere to review point-by-point. VB or AC would be idea with a train trip to destination.
  4. Sex is only reason for our relationship? Repeatedly, you said I was only interested in sex with you. Well, that is how the sugar friendship began. Since it has been nearly two months since any intimacy with less and less of the nasty in months before and given the time I have invested in hoping to help you, you are lying to yourself if you think my willingness to help you is based on sex. Besides, Seeking Arrangements provides quick, time-saving cheeriOs if all I wanted out of relationships was sex.
  5. Thievery: I am amazed at your continued willingness to steal from me--I blame your drug use--and I amazed at my continued wanting to help you. My motivation is to honor your having been the best thing in my life in the last two decades. And, maybe, one of the best in my remaing days. But there are limits. Failure to honor the following contract will limit or eliminate my helping you.
  6. Liar: Increasingly, I have watched you lie easily to others and to me. At times, as you might recall, I confronted you with lying to me after our lying together--nice play on words. You angrily said I was wrong to have sex if I thought you were at liar to which I responded that I was horny and wanted an orgasm more than calling you a liar and you turning on your anger engine.

    Now,  all the time, I assume that you lie to me often telling me what you think I want to hear. This is a characteristic of people, especially project dudes and gals, who have been on public assistance that have learned to lie to social workers to keep or get more benefits.

    I now weigh whether your anger response is worth calling our your lies.
  7. Pick up the pieces: When I leave the country, it may be necessary (and easy) to have no contact with you with the hope (not guaranteed) of picking the pieces to help you when I return. It is up to you. Can you change to a work ethic lifestyle of good daily decisions?


  1. 7am to 7pm on workdays is Khloi time. You will schedule your day to improve your life to take better care of Khloi, materially and mentally.
    1. Here is a thought: Would you rather give Khloi (your daughter who was not asked to be) 12 workhours during the workweek, or, you repeat the wasted time and bad life decisions that put you 24/7 in jail, that is, 168 jail hours instead of a 40hour workweek.
    2. Mother Nature makes the rules, not me. I share them with you which you too often resent.
  2. 10pm bedtime
  3. TV removed from bedroom
  4. Cleanliness: No Anne Street
    (Really, when I think of how you allow your home to be a pigsty, I think that is the #1 reason I think I should have no contact with you. Remember the subtitle of one of the books I sent you:  Make your bed. Shawndra, good habits make good lives. And, you are living proof that bad habits lead to bad times and bad lives. [If you think this constructive criticism of the facts in your life are me "bashing" you then too bad for you.]
  5. When Khloi is at school, both DD and you are not in the apartment. Either the two of you are working or looking for work. (Class time is worktime.)
  6. Church, lunch and thrifty: Time on the bench ... when I hired people: You need to spend more time with work ethic people and less with the distracting, psychobabble project dwellers if you want to escape being a project girl. I will pick Khloi and you up after church to get lunch and to visit Goodwill to buy Khloi new attire for the next week service.
    Let me repeat that
  7. Restart equity claim
  8. Apartment move
  9. House purchase: No Anne Street.
  10. Europe
  11. Contract subject to modification
  12. If on your own you will not do the right things for Khloi and you then all the money in world will not your future better. Only your daily choices will lead to a happier future for the two of you.