November 1, 2023

Aaqib Gadit, Chief Revenue Office
Jeff Guy, Chief Operating Officer
Matt Norman, Chief People Officer
Matt Steinfort, Chief Financial Officer,
Megan Wood, Chief Strategy and Product Officer
Yancey Spruill, Chief Executive Officer

101 6th Avenue
New York, New York 10013

Re: DigitalOcean: Help Reverse Climate Change
(Letter posted at to review links
Letter Contents: Greetings ... ELE ... Author ... Corporate ...  Employees ... Brainbees ...  Lifehours ...


DigitalOcean can profitably help reverse the climate hell destroying our future. This missive expands on your knowledge of climate change. It outlines a simple, immediate, expedient, and curative action that people everywhere can initiate using Timism tools. I am available for teleconferencing (Text 804-801-2130) as well as travel to NYC to answer questions of executives and staff to expedite the goal.

ELE: Extinction Level Event from closed loop of droughts>fires>CO2>droughts. (top)

If you read these essays, you will realize that things are worse than you know.

  1. Hydrophilia: The simple, molecular 'smoking gun' of more droughts, fires and deluges. (2018)
  2. Siberian Fires Beget Canadian Fires Pre-sage next year's US Mega-Fires (2023)
  3. Polar Timebomb: Massive Nothern Hemisphere Heatwave (2007)
  4. Hurricanes for Dummies: Fewer but more powerful storms (2003)
  5. Oil Droughts and Downwind Deluges (1982)
  6. Global Dying Websegment: 342 folders ... 4,405 files

The closed loop of fires>CO2>droughts>fires>ad infinitum needs a coordinated local-to-global fire fighting Manhattan Project. Timism has developed software to educate, organize and motivate people. Digitial Ocean can profitably provide the multi-national framework to help reverse Climate Change. More specifically, humanity needs the Forest Fire Service, a grassroots gerrymandered brainbee which DigitalOcean can easily implement beyond the current US, Iceland, India, ZZ(test )and GG(lobal government) databases. Other nations are managed by cPanel with AWS in a single database.

Author (top)
Before describing the shovel-ready applications and DigitalOcean financial rewards, below are objective indices of my high integrity of intellect and information:
  1. US Navy: Scored the record high on final comprehensive electricity/electronics exam.
  2. Undergraduate: Completed requirements in just over two years, cum laude, at largest Illinois university (29,000). One semester of seven courses was ace'd for 24 credit hours. Completed pre-med organic chemistry course as an over-load in two months instead of nine months.(transcript)
  3. Career(resume): I have spent my adult life (50+ years) delineating a Theory Of Everything (T.O.E.) based on quantifying the time in all events/entities from physics to religion, that is, Timism: The Morality of More Time. Timism is the master jigsaw puzzle pattern from which all schools of thoughts are stamped, differing in the thin veneer of vocabulary. It is the periodic table of existence. Time is the thread in the fabric of life ... the gravity of existence.

Corporate Rewards (top)

This gratis proposal will put miillions of dollars into the pockets of both Digitial Ocean and its employees. More importantly, it will set in motion a better future using Timism's brainbees and lifehours to reverse Climate Hell.

The recipients of this missive will receive 100,000 shares with an eventual market value equal to the average national hourly wage, $35 in the US.

As noted below, if DigitalOcean employees complete the simple 60-second task of creating database for each nation, DigitalOcean employees sheparding the quck creation of the database will receive 6000+ shares for a one-year part-time job of a few weekly hours. In my eigtht decade on Planet Earth, I have no need for nor interest in more wealth. My interest is leaving a legacy of helping humanity to better self-help. I was always too old to care about fame, but not duty.

Besides the scheduled rewards, DigitalOcean will eventually have databases for every state and city that want the benefits of brainbees: 200plus nations ... 3600 states ... 25,000 districts: All brainbees will be restricted to run on DigitalOcean servers except instances where licensed for internal communication, e.g., corporate or military.

The following will appear at the end of each Timism transaction receipt:, eventually millions daily around-the-world
Better Democracy Lynchpins
Accounting Auditor: Wanted
Cloud Service: DigitalOcean
Legal Firm: Wanted
Swiss Bank: Wanted
Sponsor(toggle): Tabasco Sauce or
Lodge Cast Iron

Sign up to see it. You can use U.S. or the test nation, ZZ

On a sinking ship, apathy is suicide ... cheerleading play is homicide ... preaching igknowance is genocide.

Employee Job and Opportunities (top)
This gratis proposal will put miillions of dollars into the pockets of Digitial Ocean employees. More importantly, it will set in motion a better future using Timism's brainbees and lifehours to reverse Climate Hell. The 150+ DigitalOcean employees sheparding the quck creation of the database will receive 6000+ shares for a one-year part-time job of a few weekly hours. Share target value is the national average hourly wage, e.g., U.S. is about $35/hour.

A DigitalOcean employee selects one of the available nations and creates a national database for the project TimismOrg via the below form. Additional databases willl be needed. When all listed nations are finished, a brainbee will be held for the employees in which seven finalists become a paid advisory committee to Timism. Each employee becomes the paid liaison for the nation selected. Maximum clusters will need increased. (Or, another method to be used.)

Depending on D.O. management decision, the D.O. employee can use either the $200 introductory offer, Hatch, or, the $2,500 non-profit offer. Cashflow for normal D.O. fees will come from each nation as participants pay an average of two hours of wages for the direct and indirect benefits of better democracy and capitalism--see Pre-pay of Global Democracy Tax. The bulk of the fees will fund the Global Democracy Tax from which Ukraine will rebuild and fund LendLease 2023 nations will be paid.

Form for DigitalOcean to create the framework to reverse climate change and reduce the subsequent social, economic and political collapse: Click Here

nation select echo Available Nations for Digital Ocean Employees
35 x: /home/timismor/public_html

Need sign-in

Form to claim lifehour rewards for activating national databases
Connection name: Timism ICANN 2-letter code with nation name,
e.g. Timism US United States
Connection Method Standard
SSL ???
Hostname DigitalOcean Determined
Port (25060 currently)
Username (doadmin currently)

Timism Signup: Must use DigitalOcean domain name.

Member DigitalOcean Emailaddress
Timism Password:

What good is money on a dying planet when one could have helped stop the suicide of humanity?

Brainbees: Global in Scope for All Nations  (Index) (top)
Like a printing press, a brainbee will work in any nation solving that nation's problems--Sign up at any nation.)
Brainbees are the key to government of, by and for the people.
Brainbees are analogous to spelling bees wherein concerned citizens define a problem and prescribed a solution with peer-review promoting the ranked choice winners to the next level. If amazed by number and variation, consider the number of years I have had to expand usage since 1989 when brainbees first worked on TouchTone phones. Friends have laughed at my analogy of my being an old maid who kept modifying the wedding dress with no time to find a fiance.
  1. Grassroots Gerrymandering embodies the essense of representative democracy, that is, division/divide the people to re-present their issues with peer review. Sample of seven brainbees with winners competing at next level.
    Short lists of examples:
    1. Citizen Legislation: Local, state, national and global (monthly)
    2. Zero-Cost Primaries: Take money out of the front-door of democracy.
    3. Civility Brainbees: Let speakers a public forums first submit questions with peer review for order of speaking.
    4. JobTime: Let applicants prioritize who is best and learn qualifications of job competitors
  2. Disaster Prep Services: Humanity has shown it is not ready for Mother Nature's disaster roulette. Timism tools will fill the need.
    1. Food distribution, Elementary school based and integrated into EBT.
    2. Jabber Democracy: Bring vaccine dollars into high school budgets--over $1 million.
    3. Bully Stoppers
    4. Electricity Deniers: Simple, inexpensive punishment for violating laws ... avoids expensive incarceration.
    5. Global Model for all nations
  3. Global model for all nations: If you review the signup page on, you will see that each supporter is automatically enrolled into the brainbees for national, state, and local elections. Timism can create a new policy process for levels of government that is more efficient and less corrupt. When politicians make good policy then the polity in the polis will be polite without police.

Remember: This  project is not about the eventuating millions of dollars for you
but is about the Primary Moral Imperative of Saving Life on Planet Earth from Climate Hell
so you will have a home and community for spending your earnings.

Lifehours (Index) (top)
When millions have billions in lifehours,
we will have a currency kept current
in the buying power of hours worked.
  1. Timism's apps increasingly reward a person's actions with the value in time of that action, qualifying on a continuum from time creation to time cancer

  2. Lifehours are not crypto-currency. They are a cyber-currency based on solving problems not speculation. Increasingly, they will be used for

    1. Food for Lifehours
    2. Mom and Pops
    3. Products for Lifehours
    4. Trade Lifehours

These are some of the reasons that people will annually, on average, pay two hours of wages to benefit from Timism--see Pre-pay of Global Democracy Tax.

Eventually, as the Timists become a national political force, legislation will legitimize lifehour use for taxes, insurance and loans which will be used by the acceptors for their federal taxes.

Copyright Robert Steven Barnett, 2023

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