One-Minute Democracy: Critique and Earn A Lifehour Credit

Comment and Vote: Earn One Lifehour Credit

Many solutions are proposed from timistic analysis of many environmental, economic and political problems. Feedback from interested, concerned citizens will increase the applicability of proposals by noting unintended consequences or collateral damage. An avenue is provided for submitting feedback.

One can submit a comment of upto 255 characters for which a fee is charged consisting of the processing fee and "one-minute" of national wage. The submitter receives one lifehour credit for their account.

At one million submissions, submitting will terminate. A brainbee will be initiated. Winners will receive lifehour credits which increase with each level. When the final brainbee is complete, the votes will be analyzed to create a 343-comment citizen commission with comments from highest to lowest vote.

All "one-minute democracy"  with one million votes will be combined into a national plebiscite.

Alphabetical Sort (Chronological Sort)
150811 401ks Biggest Bank Robbery Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube
150811 529s: Ponzi scheme of Middle Class Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube
Australia: Burn, Baby, Burn
150811 Bastard Stock Boycott Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube
150806 California Class Action Index * PR * TvAd * www * Youtube
150806 California Drought Ransom Index * PR * TvAd * www * Youtube * Ransom
150811 Capitalism: ID Theft Victim Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube
150811 Constitutional Amendment Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube
150811 Cost of Humanity: Life vs Lies Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube
150812 Decapitalism: Economic Bloodshed Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube
150809 Habitual Politicians, Boycott Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube * LBO
150810 Healthcare Costs: Community Services Index * PR * TvAd * www * Youtube
150810 IPO: Insiders Phooling Outsiders Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube * Twitter
150810 Loans, Re-Time: Student, Credit, Car ... Index * PR * TvAd * www * Youtube * Dummies
150811 MBA: Masters of Bankrupting America Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube
150812 Meaning of Life: Create Time Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube
150811 NOAA: Cut Budget/Dummies Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube* Original
150813 Overpopulation: A Life Killer Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube * Grown Jobs
150811 Petrophiliacs: Worse than Pedophiliacs Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube
150811 PIIGS Need a New Currency Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube * Signup
150811 Primary Moral Imperative Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube
150810 Share JobTime Or Jobless Crime Index * PR * TvAd * www * Youtube
150813 Speed of Light: Rotational not Linear Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube
150801 TextVote (if TESTDB active) Index * PR * TvAd * www *  Youtube

Submission, Pro or Con (255 characters max)

Supporter's Email Address:

One Lifehour Credit for Submission

Chronological Sort (Alphabetical)
  1. 150701 NOAA(700)
  2. 150702 Australia(2000+)
  3. 150704 SDHS68
  4. 150806 California Class Action
  5. 150806 California Ransom
  6. 150810 Healthcare Costs
  7. 150810 Re-time Loans
  8. 150810 Share JobTime Or Jobless Crime
  9. PIIGS: Unite or Be Butchered
  10. California Drought Solution

Version: 150813@04:40