This is a on-line plebiscite for the creation of an internet force dedicated to saving the middle-class and to reversing climate change. If successful, numerous 2016 candidates will support  24in4.

Anti-Apathy Agenda:

Just signup one new person a day ... for free. It only takes 60 to 90 seconds. A few seconds can save you hours, days, weeks and years of problem costs in the future. Obviously, very quickly 24in4 could become a national agenda. At ten signups, you will be able to homestead a political office with several bonus options.

At each step, you receive lifehour credits. You will have an initial $1300 in lifehour tax credits as well as probable refinancing of all your loans (student, credit, car and home) to lower interest rates (zero or near-zero interest rates) via 24in4. You can receive more.

  1. 401k's: Biggest Bank Robbery Ever
    1. In 1980: A 65-year-old had almost $300,000 in corporate retirement. Top 1% owned 20% of US assets.
    2. Today, A 65-year-old has $100,000 in a roller-coaster 401k worth only $30,000 in 1980 dollars. Top 1% owns 60% of America!
    3. In one generation, just a few years, America's middle-class lost 90% of pensions and retirement!
    4. Did top 1% earn or create wealth? Or, transfer wealth via 401k's, IPO's and stock options.
    5. Capitalism is a victim of identity theft.
    6. Decapitalism: Wall Street hijacked the terms and tools of capitalism to decapitalize production (bankruptcy) and to decapitate jobs (unemployment).
    7. Re-capitalizing a corporation by private equity and hedge funds does not add capital but counterfeits stocks to sell over-priced to 401ks and pensions: More symbols of paper chasing less substance of assets as MBAs trim "fat," aka inflation.
    8. MBA: Masters of Bankrupting America, aka, Masters of Business Assassinations
    9. IPO: Insiders' Public Offering, aka, Insiders Phooling Outsiders
    10. 401ks: A social, economic and political ticking timebomb.
    11. Three Simple Laws Will Stop The Legal Thievery of Decapitalistic 401ks. If you would like to see those 3 law proposals, sign up a friend for free and receive five more lifehour credits.
  2. Global Warming/Climate Change--the Elephant in the Room destroying the foodchain and driving people into civil war and migration: Given what is at stake, we should assume the worst. I wrote my first essay on climate change in 1982 when I predicted longer droughts with downwind downpours and flooding along with social, economic and political chaos. My campaign website lists almost two dozen subsequent research papers on polar blasts, hurricanes--see
    1. Carbon dioxide is the Global Multi-tasking Killer Molecule.
    2. On a sinking ship, apathy is suicide. Cheerleading play is homicide. Preaching igknownance is genocide.
    3. If you would like more thought given to climate change, sign up another friend, etc.
  3. Save the middle-class: Otherwise we won't solve any of our shared problems.
    1. The welfared can't and won't.
    2. The wealthfared don't care and won't.
    3. The "We'll work" can and must.
      Help organize the middle-class, sign up another friend for free and for 5 lifehour credits..
  4. 24in4: By better employing our human potential to solve our problems, we can have a 24-hour workweek in 4 years with more disposable funds and fun for self, family, and community in a safer, saner world. An initial key to saving the middle-class is a 3-step plan to
    1. A one-time refinancing of all loans a la Chapter 13 to zero-interest or near-zero interest rates--see Refinance 13.
    2. Share job time or jobless crime, taxes, inflation and insurance rates by converting interest rate savings for middle-class into shorter workweek: If I cut your cost of living by 8 hours, would you be willing to work 8 hours less? By working less you would have more free time and a job promotion. The alternative is to work more and more for less and less as the cost of worsening unsolved problems increase the cost of living.
    3. Community service for healthcare costs. Let's take healthcare financing out the business bottomline which discriminates against seniors and women.
    4. If you would like to see 24in4, it takes enough people to pressure the politicians, or, elect new minds for old problems.

      Please sign up another friend and earn more lifehour tax credits.
  5. Teachers: 24in4 will give teachers 4-day flipflop workweeks as citiens fulfill their community service for healthcare by volunteering to be tutor, testers and field trippers. Students would benefit. Taxpayers would benefit as the educational tax needs would be less. For a education system, sign up a teacher or another friend.
  6. Profit-Sharing Taxation: As is, Washington collects 100% of the federal taxes from which the habitual politicians parcel out kickbacks to local and state campaign contributors in the form of pork, earmarks, and riders. For a better tax system, sign up another friend.
  7. Regional Primaries
  8. Timists: The Party of More Time via 24in4 as well as better democracy and better capitalism.
    1. An important point to keep in mind regarding Solar Shades and Cavegardens:  If you help someone lower their cost of living then you are lowering your cost of living. They are less likely to want higher wages which fuels your inflation. This is why 24in4 will increase disposable funds and fun.
    2. This is a timistic corollary of  if you help others solve their problems then their problems do not become your problem, directly by crime or indirectly by taxes and inflation.
    3. Another corollary: The US should be exporting capitalism and democracy not decapitalism and despotism.
    4. It is important to observe that help that does not help the helpless to help themselves is not help. Rather, counter-productive help proves the road to hell is paved with good intentions from bad values.
  9. VoteTime: Using some of the 5,000,000 computers thrown away each month, we can have an inexpensive, highly efficient vote counting system managed by veterans. At home or anywhere including the polling place, a voter will be able to enter their address to receive a ballot tunned to their various districts which can be pre-marked before visiting the polling place. Placing the ballot upon a old scanner, the voter presses enter with a printed results sheet that includes a random number so the voter can later on-line review his votes as well as tally the votes for a precinct. Built into the system is a lottery by which a voter is randomly selected to receive a cash reward for voting with the cash value increasing from precinct to national voting lottery winner.  This program was written in the early 2000's after the 2000 presidential ballot fiasco. The voting machines purchased after 2000 now need replacement at an estimated cost of 12 to 15 billion dollars. By using the cost savings of Votetime, we can use those dollars to purchase the similar number of lifehour credits earned by voters building a better democracy. Management of Votetime will be by apolitical veterans(Vet Signup Page). For a better voting system, sign up a veteran or another friend.
  10. Lifehours--A new currency: All modern currencies are dying at faster rates as monetarists/usurists keep metastasizing them to throw them at worsening problems. Humanity needs a currency kept current and constant in its worktime value rather than intentionally inflated to transfer wealth to bankers. By signing up others to support Timism's better democracy and capitalism, you are creating a new, functional currency system that rewards the working problem-solvers, not the paper-manipulating financial bureaucrats. Lifehour credits are like frequent flyer miles: At a certain point everyone treats them as convertible cash--see Trading Lifehours. Sign up another person to both earn lifehour credits and to create a new currency.
  11. Time Fines
  12. Elementary Democracy: Concomitant with profit-sharing taxation is appropriated ways and means to the lowest level of social-economic organization which is the public elementary school. Therein will develop community-based policing, healthcare and voluteerism using the existing physical structure (not the educational employees or officials) as the locus of policy-making and management. Unlike absentee-employees and officials, elementary democracy will create elementary politeness: When politicians make good policy then the polity in the polis will be polite and polished without police. It is the basis of profit-sharing taxation. If you would like to see creation of elementary democracy, please sign up another person...
  13. Solar Shades: If you lower your energy costs, you not only save money but you reduce your CO2-sinning that is driving climate change and you reduce energy inflation. A decade ago, Bob Barnett--DIBs-- implemented solar shades which benefit from the basic principle of quantum physics--black body radiation. The cost was $25 plus a couple of workhours. He cut his annual heating costs by thousands of dollars--see Solar Shades for why and how. Want to lower your thermometer by ten degrees--see Sock Handwarmers. Another, better simple solution awaits enough supporters of 24in4. If you would like to see others lower their enegy costs and lower their CO2-sinning for a safer future, please sign up another friend.
  14. CaveGarden: Inflationary food pressure at the grocery store will be less if more people grow food at home. (And personal and inter-personal mental stress will be less as people find the pleasure of being at one with Mother Nature--see Cavegardens at Chatwell video) Bob Barnett has come up with a gardening approach from which one can grow 2.5 to 3.0 more produce per square foot or grow the same in about 1/3 of the area. In 2014 and 2015, he grew $10,000 in market value veggies giving away about 2/3rd's.Even if you cannot grow a garden, encouraging others will lower your grocery store costs as the laws of supply and demand lower inflationary pressure: sign up a friend, earn 5 more lifehour credits.
  15. Chocolate Vanilla Tree Service: Climate change is weakening trees so they are both dying and falling over. We need a tree-management service like trash collection that follows a route to assess dead limbs and dead trees for removal before they fall. The cost savings compared to the damage from falling trees is tremendous. Furthermore, and this is a very important point to keep in mind, when limbs die they eventually decompose and release CO2. This proposed tree service would deliver the dead cellulose to power plants designed to generate heat and electricity. As is, we get the global warming of the released CO2 with no benefits. This service should be limited to veterans and translators who aided our services. (Vet Signup Page) For a more sustainable future with cost savings and safer streets/homes, sign up a veteran or another friend.
  16. Brainbees: Complementing the new currency for better capitalism is the brainbee which is like a spelling bee to tap the intelligence of we the people who live with and know problems for better solutions.
    1. Citizen Legislation
    2. Zero cost primaries
    3. Regional Primaries
    4. Once again, sign up a friend.
  17. Sign up anyone but remember if they are not active participants then your account will be debitted when their account is closed.

You are encouraged to sign up as many friends, family and peers as you know and want. While you receive five lifehour credits for each person you sign up as their sponsor, you will also receive one lifehour credit for each person they sponsor. So if your then sponsored accounts actively sponsor another ten each, you will receive 100 lifehour credits to add to your initial 50 for a total of 150 (about $4000 in future lifehour tax credits). It is expected to cost $12 to $15 billion in lifehour tax credits to buyout the habitual politicians who cost us trillions of dollars ... a bargain, see LBO/IPO day.

When you have signed up ten friends, you can homestead up to ten political offices at the Super Brainbee. Like landgrant homesteading, you claim any national, state or local office which will be yours as a candidate in 2016 for the 24in4. The homesteader with the greatest number of lifehour credits will be awarded a number of lifehour credits equal to the annual salary of the office, e.g, U.S. congressman receives $225,000 which means the winning homesteader will receive 8500 lifehour credits for tax, loan and healthcare payments as well trading on-line for goods and services.