VoteTime: Using some of the 5,000,000 computers thrown away each month, we can have an inexpensive, highly efficient vote counting system managed by veterans. At home or anywhere including the polling place, a voter will be able to enter their address to receive a ballot tunned to their various districts which can be pre-marked before visiting the polling place. Placing the ballot upon a old scanner, the voter presses enter with a printed results sheet that includes a random number so the voter can later on-line review his votes as well as tally the votes for a precinct. Built into the system is a lottery by which a voter is randomly selected to receive a cash reward for voting with the cash value increasing from precinct to national voting lottery winner. This program was written in the early 2000's after the 2000 presidential ballot fiasco. The voting machines purchased after 2000 now need replacement at an estimated costo of 12 to 15 billion dollars. By using the cost savings of Votetime, we can use those dollars to purchase the similar number of lifehour credits earned by voters building a better democracy. Management of Votetime will be by apolitical veterans(Vet Signup Page). For a better voting system, sign up a veteran or another friend.