$2.2 trillion: A theft from your future via a bloated National Debt

If you think you are getting a $1,200 freebie from the government, you do not understand the math of government spending and borrowing. If you think you are getting something-for-nothing you don't know Mother's Nature rule: You will get less than nothing in the end.

  1. Trump is robbing your future for his 2020 re-election.
  2. Trump is not giving you any money.
  3. He is trying to buy his re-election with your money.

History will show in retrospect that the American economic collapse began with the hyper-inflation caused by Trump and the Republicans printing the $2.2 trillion welfare checks.

The $2.2 trillion welfare checks are examples

  1. of winning battles but losing the war (the Primary Moral Imperative) and
  2. of Saltwater Solutions--taste good at first before greater thirst.

As the Japanese saying goes, "The most expensive things in life are first free." There is no free money.

Welfare in any form, public or private, fosters laziness by nurturing people to respond less than their ability to solve problems. Once lost, responsibility is usually gone forever as seen in the on-going laissez faire of street people. They chosse a carefree life gaming the gullible. If you don't know this from repeat experience then you are part of the problem rather than part of the solution. Like sex, laziness when once tasted is a meal ticket that is hard to give up. Trump's $2.2 trillion welfare package is metastasizing infrastructural laziness.

In the early 2000s, despite owning a home for many years in Richmond, Virginia, this writer lived as a homeless person in a city over 500 miles away to better understand homelessness while creating computer scripts for Timism. The majority of homeless people simply love the stressless freedom of no timeclock to punch. Sure, a few material discomforts--most are mentalists adept at gaming others for the few material comforts they need--food and shelter. They don't want what you want so they don't slave away for a new car. Sure, one has to game the bleeding hearts. Sure, one has to listen "time-share" preachings by do-gooders for food and shelter to be "saved." But, you are a king-of-the-road cowboy with notches on your belt for having it your way. As a philospher said, to wit, "One cannot understand hunger and solve it if one has never been hungry."

With Timism, the old cliche of "Fools and their money soon part" has a more encompassing expression: "Fools and their time soon part."

America's Infrastructure is Crying for Help
The $2.2 Trillion Welfare bill could have created GI Bill #2 for everyday dysemployed citizens to learn the skills to repair America. No, the habitual politicians decided their 2020 re-election was more important than repairing America.

If someone says they are getting free money from the government, tell them the truth, that is,
welfare checks drawn on their children's and grandchildren's future.