Snowflake Brain Bees
to Solve Our Problems

"4Bee: a gathering of people for a specific purpose"
Websters 9th New Collegiate Dictionary

How can we more quickly, cheaply and effectively solve our many problems? On-line problem-solving bees that are like spelling bees for optimal democracy! Optimal democracy productively taps the intelligence of the concerned citizens who live with and suffer from the problems. We share the Einstein moments that we all have but most often get lost.

Organizing people to lead themselves is the most effective, efficient, and educational way to solve their problems. The Script-Howard annual Spelling Bee provides a model for optimal on-line democracy by which we can solve our problems: see Snowflake Brain Bees Overview (below). One can vote on cell phones, palm computers, and web tv during waits, breaks and commercials. In reviewing the different forums, notice how one forum manages all human decision-making to tap the intelligence of the participants, members and voters.

For the full review with over 40 essays and sample, visit Brainbee Index.

Super Brainbee

While originated by an individual, brainbees are the property of the humanity to be used within the context of
for better democracy and better capitalism. Timism, Inc., is designed to be a public trust with revenues
going into the general funds of the source levels. As such they are copyrighted for humanity.
Woe be unto him who would subvert the Primary Moral Imperative
of saving life on Planet Earth from Climate Hell.