Bees Today, Clouds Tomorrow

As any homeowner knows, damp conditions fester colonies of insects which a dehumidifier can reduce by making it too dry for the bugs to survive. As any runner knows, you don't want to get dehydrated. As any medic knows, you don't want to run out of saline. As any doctor will say of your cold, push the fluids. As any evolutionist knows, a pivotal process in the migration from water to land was anti-dessicating process for both plants(cuticle) and animals(eggs), that is, the ability to retain water rather than depend on a osmosis within a watery surrounding.

Why are bees dying? Some bugs die before others as dry air dessicates their water dependent metabolism. Why are bees dying worldwide? CO2 is a drying agent. Bees are stressed and more susceptible to invasive diseases that they would otherwise not suffer like an AIDs patient dying of infections, not AIDs. CO2 is a virtual virus stressing all of life for which there is no cure. In a glass half-full, half-empty situation (of which the true purveyor should be executed), CO2 is a universal metabolite which can be a case of too much of a good thing is a bad thing. As such, CO2 is a universal HIV agent--see Alpha Trifecta,