Carbon Dioxide: Fusion/Fission Process

Fusion/Fission best describes the ying-yang of the CO2/H2O love/hate relationship. When generated by fossil fuel fools or petrophiliac oil pumpers, CO2 loves soaking up H2O causing droughts--fusion. When agitated with sudden dissociation and chain reactions, massive and violent winds are generated like the splitting of atoms--fission.

CO2/H2O fusion/fission explains increased violent atmospheric events, e.g., wind shear, micro-bursts. The California Santa Anna winds are intesified by the fission of the CO2 clusters formed from automobile combustion among other sources. Likewise with the record winds of the March 2019 Bomb Cyclone. With fission, the previously compact clusters of 1:34 CO2/H2O  clusters initiate a chain reaction in which each molecule wants its own lebensraum. (Worth remembering is how air molecules are moving [banging into each other] at 7,000-9,000 miles per hour[they don't go far, but they sure go fast].) Reflecting a broader bandwidth of dissociation factors due to the variations of particles binding the water, particulated atmospheric water have gentle, gradual precipitation. Oppositely, CO2/H2O clusters have a narrower precipitation bandwidth which means the rain and winds are condensed in a smaller area and timeframe.  This can also be called the Organic Thesis of Atmospheric CO2 (2014) or the Soda Bottle Shake.

Fission is why hail occurs on hot days as the dissociating CO2 cluster are an expanding gas which drops the temperature like the expanding gas in your home or car air conditioner. Moisture condenses into hail as the temperature drops. Do you see how CO2 atmospheric ying-yang dynamics are similar to nuclear fusion/fission?