Climate Hell: Planet Earth becoming unable to support life.

Advertising: Insurance Ads

In general, advertising is a climate cancer as it "Gets people to buy things they don't need with money they don't have" which generates climate-destroying carbon dioxide. Adding insult to injury, many advertisers dumb us down with crass ads. In addition, they use fuzzy math to entice us to their agents. "Save up to" has as much value as "Lose up to." I would like to see the distribution curve on how much advertisers actually save their customers.

As no-fault insurance saved motorist a lot of money, time and hassle, and,
as cigarettes are not longer advertised (a climate cancer selling cancer)
so should auto insurance be banned from advertising.
With the internet, people can compare prices.

I will boycott three insurance advertisers who think we are climate lemmings.

  1. Progressive: Why would you buy an insurance company that uses actors who you would not want as neighbors or dinner partners?
  2. Liberty: What an abuse of the Lady in New York harbor to pair it with an emu(?). Are they selling insurance or trying to compete with "America's Funniest Videos?"
  3. Aflac: A flack's inside joke
  4. Geico: Kill off the little green monster. Kids grow up and so should junior. Time to use Godzilla.

I support monthly brainbees to find the seven most insulting and false ads with all involved (actors, producers, advertiser CEO) being subject to the 30-day no electricity penalty. The actors and producers are gatekeepers of information, good or bad. They will be barred from any future acting roles: ads, tv, radio and movies for abusing free speech by enslaving us to a dumber state of thinking.