
Mailbox full (2022)

  1. December 1: 11:50, 10:19
  2. December 7

Sports: rail spur

If you want your child to be jail-bait, statistics and/or bullies then steer them into sports instead the librarayl.

RPS Truancy Hotline: Mailbox full

In the 1970s, Chesterfieldd

US ranking

White Replacement

Males not attending college

For decades the half-truth has been an emotional lottery for young disadvantaged youth: Sports is a ticket out of the ghetto. Full truth is for most it is a short roundtrip ticket often with a rail spur into incarceration.

Worse Black-on-Black crime is Black Celebrities encouraging Black fathers to obsess on sports and to bet on sports: who?

For many parents, school is a babysitting service with sports being after-school extension. It is easier to play and know nothing than to study and learn something. It shows in post-high school success especially for Black sports addicts and White  Christian Nationalists.

Will Richmond School Board and City Council stop this emotional lottery in which the soul of our nation is wasted on play.

Sports reporters are more than paid assassins of American's youth potential. They are pied-pipers who encourage millions of Americans to weekly attend sporting events driving their CO2-generating cars to play venues.