Disaster Dummies

Every home should have a 30-day supply of food, two 5-gallon jugs of water and a portable cooking device. If you do not have these disaster supplies, you are a disaster dummy especially if you are guilty of one or more of the below cancerous life choices. You clearly do not understand that the Cost of Humanity to Mother Nature has two parts: The Cost of Living and the Cost of Lying. The former is the CO2 generated for the necessities to live while the latter is the CO2 metastasized to quench your mutating wants.

Below are ways that you lie to yourself as to what is important in your live. Your suffer during natural disasters because you are an emotional wannabee unable to control your wants. You could never be a Buddhist as you can not and will not control your wants, the eternal human failing.

  1. You are an average American who wastes 40% of food.
  2. You have monthly fees for wanted, but unneeded, internet services.
  3. You have a Netflix account, watching life instead of living life.
  4. You have hulu, Disney, Apple, etc. services.
  5. You have tattoos and body piercings.
  6. You are overweight: You put calories in your pants instead of your pantry.
  7. You don't first shop at a thrift store for most common items.
  8. You buy a newer car more often than once a decade. (I drive a 31-year old car, an Oldsmobile Cutlass)
  9. You eat out more than once week and you never make a simple, inexpensive lunch for work, instead annually spending thousands of dollars on fastfood.
  10. You have game cartridges or game internet accounts.
  11. You gamble on line.
  12. You play the lottery or stock market, a taxes on those who don't know math.
  13. You igknow the world in which you live everyday, knowing instead the unprovable.
  14. You watch sports more than politics.
  15. You plan for vacations more than retirement.
  16. You watch TV instead of read a book.
  17. You are a careless carer who becomes careworn.
  18. You validate your life by how much you waste--wasteo ergo sum.
  19. You daisy-chain cancerous distractions instead of building creating attractions in self and values.

As a disaster dummy, you disasterize Mother Nature's disasters. You are an existential phlebotomist, bleeding your world to death. With your body and soul, you persistently violate the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on Planet Earth.

  1. You are living proof of Socrates' dictum that the unquestioned life is not worth living. Your failure to question means you will repeat and suffer your same old problems over and over.

  2. As Geo. Santayana said, "Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it."

  3. Or, as Shakespeare half-said, "Igknowance is bliss" and Timism completes "until the igknowed problems blitz your existence."

This self-initiated.short-term suffering is secondary to the fact that your daily lifestyle choices are causing an increaingly angry Mother Nature to be pissed off at you for your on-going CO2 sinning against her: Climate Hell, the long-term accelerating, synergistic existential meltdown.

On a sinking ship:
Apathy is suicide.
Cheerleading play is homicide.
Preaching igknowance is genocide.

Living beyond your means lessens your means: UB meaningless.
Living below your means creates more means: UB meaningful.
Meaning of Life: Be a Timeful Creator not a Timeless Cancer.
Meaningless menials become meanies.

Time is the thread in the fabric of life,
the gravity of existence.

Timism: The Morality of More Time.

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You will pay one lifeminute and receive one lifehour credit--a 60:1 profit.

To be happy with more means, time, freedom and friends,
live like a  baby chicken: cheap, cheap, cheap.

Optimists opt for Timism