Saltwater Politics

Saltwater Politics? Watcha think? Coastal politics? Overseas tax breaks? Nope, saltwater solutions are what most voters slurp up when they thirst for relief from over-taxation and inflation. As a glass of saltwater quenches the thirsty tongue for a short while, saltwater policies temporarily relieve sufferers before the stoked fires of inflation and taxes come burning back. Saltwater policies help pay the cost of living for the rich. Saltwater policies are the opposite of luxury taxes for they stimulate and inflate the cost of luxuries.

The myth of saltwater politics is like the Myth of Sisyphus: The citizen thinks he is about to solve his problem only to later find himself starting over. One difference. The rock of Sisyphus was never depicted as getting bigger. Saltwater politics yields not larger glasses but bigger dissolved rocks of salt, a greater hidden tax burden.

Saltwater politics describes the various ways that wealth is transferred from the wealth creators to the "wealthfare" recipients--the money dictators in bed with the habitual politicians. Another term sometimes used is bandaids--the untreated wound is covered only to fester until life-threatening. A primary thing to realize: If you are not the biggest recipient of the political favor then your cost of l iving will rise. You will suffer inflation in the goods and services you share with the recipients of political favors: taxes, education, medicine and energy--see "Tax Credits of Dubious Values."

Below is a list of various saltwater policies.

  1. Minimum or Living Wage
  2. Tax Cuts--Bush
  3. Marriage Tax repeal--Bush
  4. Estate/Inheritance Tax: Bush
  5. Childcare/Eldercare: Bush
  6. Vouchers: Education, Childcare, Eldercare and IRAs: Bush
  7. Car Tax Repeal
  8. Environment Destruction Bush
  9. Pensions: ESOP, NASDAQ, 401
  10. 529s: Ponzi Scheme
  11. Lotteries: A tax on those who don't know math
  12. Prescription Drugs
  13. Privatization: The path to private inflationary monopolies
  14. Bottled Water
  15. Morality
  16. $2.2 Trillion Trump Virus Welfale Package (March 2020)

Saltwater policies can be described in analogies:

  1. People thinking they can get something for nothing ... ending up with less than when they started mis-thinking.
  2. Winning battles but losing the war.
  3. A cause of inflation.
  4. Violates the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on Planet Earth from Climate Hell.

Full essay

Saltwater Policies

Win Battles, Lose Wars

We need to stop saltwater policies so as to win battles and wars.