(Please duplicate this and place in public places when no one is watching. At some point, a copy will get into the hands of someone who can stop Putin from further harming Russia and the rest of the world.)

To Putin's and Lavrov's body guard

Eventually, Putin's regime will fall and you will fall also. When it does, those who helped Putin destroy Ukraine and Russia pay terrible prices.

With the fall of the Soviet Union, the Stassi secret police files in East Germany became public with many lynchpins paying the price for supporting corruption and despotism. This is what you are doing. The cush jobs by which Putin buys your blind allegiance will be no more. Putin will probably have his Ektarina 1917 moment ... and so will you. Or, Putin/Lavrov will have their July 20, 1944, moment.

When dictatorships fall, those close to the dictator pay a high price.

Now, the big question: Will you let Putin continue to blackmail civilization with threats of a nuclear war? If you saw him beginning to order a nuclear strike, would you shoot him down like a mad dog to prevent your family, friends, and homes becoming burned out homes?

Rember, if World War III occurs, the blood of your loved ones will be on your hands: Evil triumphs when good me don't act.

In the Nazi concentration camps, the camp commanders did not do the killing. Their subordinates did. Putin is not pulling the triggers but you are allowing him to order the shootings and bombings.

You are guilty of crimes against humanity. And karma will get you. Like Putin and Lavrov, you will be caught and tried for crimes against humanity.