Timism 2022 Business Plan: Index

Ukraine: Timism Proposal

There is no doubt that Putin's war upon Ukraine has caused a humanitarian crisis that will be worsened without a constructive, productive plan. As is, not all refugees and not all refugee helpers will experience Winston Churchill's observation, "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days." The stress of uncertainty will lower the emotional bar of friendliness.

Timism proposes the  ... the morality of more time.

Global dispersion for the duration

  1. Millions of Ukranian refugees in Europe is a ticking timebomb. Non-European nations should initiate a for-the-duration immigration policy where non-European citizens can offer to house Ukranians.
  2. Like foster parenting, refugee helpers would be paid a daily stipend in Timism lifehours for purchase of necessities.
  3. When the war is over, the Ukranians would be FIFO repatriated within 3 months--no exceptions for any reason.

Idle minds are the workshops of the devil.

  1. Re-building Ukraine is going to require a lot of skilled labor. The U.S. Department of Labor should immediately compose training videos for basic construction skills: carpentry, electricity, masonry, etc.
  2. Existing workers in construction would be asked to mentor
  3. Learning these skills would solve the problem of idle minds as well as create a trained force to rebuild Ukraine.
  4. Childcare: Children will be integrated into existing facilities with payments in lifehours.
  5. Profit-sharing: 50% now, 50% when return.

Corporate sponsors

  1. Food
  2. Thrifties
  3. Airlines: Exchange rate of lifehours

U.S. responsibility for Ukraine mess

  1. Donald Trump, a Putin lover and Ukranian saboteur.
  2. Crimea fiasco: Obama's wimpy response.
  3. De-nuclearization
  4. US buys foreign lifehours afterwards.

Without a plan like the Timism proposal, Europe will begin reliving the conditions that prompted George C. Marshall to propose the European Recovery Program to prevent the destruction of World War II becoming the basis of social, economic and political upheavel that would probably lead to WWIII.
