1 of 1

2 Test Senior/Junior

3 Test 3

7 Test 7 A50,A2,A3,A7 ... R50,R2,R3,R7 D?

Revu ... Apply ... Delete existing postion

Email address

To cover processing, a $1 fee is charged to review or to signup.
Receive one lifehour credit for processing time (about 5 minutes).

Notes and incomplete thoughts:

  1. Please note on pay and redemption: at loan, then one hour pay ... hourly lifehour comp to be varied.
  2. Cost one dollar to apply--security feature. First to trade lifehour credis ... Buyback versus Middle-class buy  ...
  3. Product development: rights 10% donation to V.A. hospital. T-shirts, cups, flags
  4. Applications will be taken when National Rights Obtained by a Virginia Public University.
  5. Applications to be initially limited to unversity students and alumni per email domain name.
  6. Pay: Parity to private enterprise. Initially in lifehour credits till cashflow. Monthly proportional distribution. Credits redeemed later via a
  7. Limited to three
  8. Primary ones:
    1. Ballot Managers
  9. Dutch Auction or
  10. traded on-line.
  11. Bonuses: See
  12. Commitees