Setting up Tools of Timism in other nations
When citizens of a nation have donated 10% of the prescribed donations, a payment account will be set for additional donations. When the full amount is donated, a lottery or brainbee will be held with three citizens of the nation relocating to set up the Tools of Timism for that country. It may be the case that small nations with low per capita income must be funded by other sources which Timism is exploring.

New Nation Crowdfunding

The Tools of Timism for better democracy and capitalism are being proved out in the United States. These tools  will be made available to other nations based on the purchase price being paid to Timism, Inc, via this Crowdfunding. The Crowdfunders will have the first accounts (FIFO) with a two-fer  repayment in currency and lifehour credits of the new national timism website.

Determining Purchasing Fee

  1. Divide a nation's total population by the 3600 lifeseconds in one lifehour which yields the fee lifehours, e.g., a country of 18,000,000 would have a fee of 5000 fee lifehours.
  2. Calculate the nation's work hour value in dollars by dividing the per capita income by the average work year in hours, e.g., 2000. If a nation's per capita annual income is $50,000 then the workhour value is $25.00.
  3. The two-fer loan required to finance the creation of one's nation is the fee lifehour times the workhour value. In the example, it is 5000 x $25.00 or $125,000.

[These figures are not perfect but are rudimentary numbers to quickly get the tools of timism in more countries.]

The goal of Timism since 1982 is the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on earth from climate hell. Social, economic and political turmoil primarily from the effects of climate change can not reversed without better democracy and capitalism. Otherwise, the accelerating, synergistic existential meltdown will kill us all with crime, terrorism and war. Time is the thread in the fabric of life. Our time is running our and our fabric is becoming thread-bare.

Thru this crowdfunding of new nations to have the tools of timism for better democracy and capitalism, we can create provisional governments for the lands in turmoil--30 in early 2020. This Crowdfunding program is part of Timism belief that the number one export for a safer, saner future is better democracy and better capitalism.