Timism: The Problem-Solving T-Party

2015 Rush Office Homesteading for Louisiana, New Jersey and Virginia

Timism provides a simple, cheap process with big tax credits for those who homestead an existing political office: If you are the first to homestead an office, you receive a minimum of the annual salary in lifehour credits. The cost

We need a political party that focuses on reversing climate chaos. To reverse the climate chaos, we need to slow rather than grow our CO2-sinning economy without fueling violent protests by the un-, under- and mis-employed.

Via this form, candidates can be quickly certified to be on the ballot. In as little as one day or one weekend, a person can collect enough signatures to get on the ballot. Walking door-to-door in one's neighborhood, one can collect about ten signatures an hour.

In 2015, two states are available for timists to homestead the office:

  1. New Jersey's lower house of 80 seats requires 100 good signatures by June 2, 2015--New Jersey Board of Election guidelines
  2. Virginia's two house are up for grabs. The lower requires 125 signatures and the upper requires 250. The deadline is June 9, 2015. (Virginia State Board of Elections guidelines)
  3. Signatures need to be certified by collecter via a notary. Go to your bank branch--they do it for free.


  1. Lifehour credits: Homesteading, Ballot and Win
  2. No campaigning required: Timism will carry the ball via numerous internet programs to be rolled out. By November election day, voters will for the Timism Programs via the Timism candidates. Headline grabbers:
    1. 401k's
    2. 529 ponzi scheme
    3. Alpha trifecta
    4. Dominions gasline must be stopped else longer droughts.
    5. Citizen Legislation
    6. Zero-cost primaries via brainbees--this is a simplified example.
    7. Super Brainbee, one-stop problem-solving for all national, state and local elective offices.
  3. Virginia, New Jersey and Louisiana voters who participate in this special, limited 2015 homesteading of the states are not prevented from the general homesteading of any other national, state or local office.
  4. Husband wife teams are suggested with one homesteading the upper house and the other homesteading the other. (When you apply, you will be given the highest office of the two if not already taken.)
  5. Each person from whom you solicit a signature can be given Timism's summary handout with your email address. If they signup with you as the sponsor, you will receive five lifehour credits worth, in the US, about $130. If you signed up 12 voters in Virginia and each became timism accounts, you would receive about $1560 in tentative tax credits per the Roadmap and Manheaven Project.

Oops, too late: If you apply for seat already homesteaded, you will receive a link to the petitions of the office homesteader. You are requested to collect, notarize and mail at least one petition to the homesteader. You will receive one lifehour credit for each petition. More importantly, you will implementing


  1. Must meet residency and age requirement.
  2. Must have sponsored ten (10) new members (easy to, call friends and sign them up--US cost about $1.33 per)
  3. Must support Timism's goals:
    1. Support the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on earth from CO2-driven climate chaos.
    2. Support the necessary 3-part road map of refinancing all loans, convert dollar savings into reduce workweek and initiate community service health care system. With the roadmap we will have a shorter workweek with more disposable time and funds for fun in a safer, saner world. 
    3. Support monthly Citizen Legislation via the Super Brainbee for international, national, state and local governments.
    4. Resign after being sworn in: If elected, you agree to resign after election for a true brainbee to elect someone to your position. You receive and own the lifehour credits for your actions to bring about better democracy and capitalism.
  4. In Virginia, must support stopping the gas pipeline which will cause a California drought  based on more CO2 released into the atmosphere. The CO2 will bind with water only to be precipitated over the Atlantic Ocean as California's car-culture CO2 soaks up water and drops as deluges downwind--CO2 organic thesis and CO2 fission/fusion.

Timism Principles

  1. If we can shop and learn from home we should be able to govern from home: No if, but why not and when.
  2. When politicians make good policies then the polity in the polis will be polite without police. (Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland, are legacies of failed politicians.
  3. In times of worsening habitual problems, the only thing worse than not voting is voting for a habitual politician.
  4. Either we share job time or jobless crime.
  5. The best government is the least government which can only be if we better self-govern. The tools of timism makes this possible.
  6. Time is the thread in the fabric of life.... timism morality of more time.