"; $Sorry="$State State District Office already claimed. Please collect signatures for this office. Remember to give the timism handout with your email address to each person you approach. each person you sponsor earns you five lifehour credits at the start. The petition is "; $Winner="You are the winner. Timist entry in $db completed for $MemberEmail
Your customized ballot petition is "; $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","timismor_RSB","ZVPdPT8^]v^q","timismor_EarnLifehours"); $db="NewTParty"; if (substr_count($Defaults,"TESTDB")) {$db.="Test";} echo "

State Upper House Homesteading
"; $sql="SELECT * FROM $db WHERE State='$State' and StDivSu='$StDivSu'"; $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql) or die("Could not execute query Sql of $con"); $IDdb=""; While($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {$IDdb=$row['ID']; $dbEmailAddr=$row['Email']; } $flStUpPDF="$State$StDivSu"; if ($IDdb=="") { echo "Pre state define $State
"; $State="Virginia"; #NmState $Office="Senate (State Upper House)"; $OfficeCode="StLegSu"; fxPetitionCreate($Office); #SubmitBy, ElectMonth, ElectDay, ElectYear echo "$Winner $flStUpPDF .

As winner of an upper legislative office, you are not considered for the unhomesteaded lower office. Hopefully, you will collect signatures for the lower office. Be sure to give the handout to others to collect five lifehour credits.

"; $result="INSERT INTO $db (ID,State,StDivSu,Email,LastName,FirstName,StreetAddr,City,PostalCode,IPaddr) VALUES ('$ID','$State','$StDivSu','$MemberEmail','$LastName','$FirstName','$StreetAddr','$City','$PostalCode','$IPaddr')"; mysqli_query($con, $result); } else {echo $StDivSu . $Sorry . $flStUpPDF; ################ test for lower office ################ echo "

State Lower House Homesteading
"; $sql="SELECT * FROM $db WHERE State='$State' and StDivSl='$StDivSl'"; $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql) or die("Could not execute query Sql of $con"); $IDdb=""; While($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {$IDdb=$row['ID']; $dbEmailAddr=$row['Email']; } $flStLoPDF="$State$StDivSl"; if ($IDdb<>"") {echo $StDivSl . $Sorry . $flStLoPDF."

"; } else fxPetitionCreate("Virginia","House",$StDivSl); echo "$Winner $flStLoPDF .
When you collect signatures for your ballot access, please also collect for your upper house homesteader with $flStUpPDF. Be sure to give the handout to others to collect five lifehour credits.

"; $result="INSERT INTO $db (ID,State,StDivSl,Email,LastName,FirstName,StreetAddr,City,PostalCode,IPaddr) VALUES ('$ID','$State','$StDivSl','$MemberEmail','$LastName','$FirstName','$StreetAddr','$City','$PostalCode','$IPaddr')"; mysqli_query($con, $result); echo "Timist entry in $db completed for $MemberEmail of $State $StDivSl.
"; } #die ("EOC Rush2015State"); break; ?>