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JobTime Job Listing


As a service to humanity to

  1. cut the costs of hiring people,
  2. reduce the frustration of job searches, and
  3. increase the knowledge of one's competitors

[Newspaper] offers companies the opportunity to post jobs. Complete the following information.

To get a listing of job opportunities based on profession, location and salary, visit Applicants Instructions. For date format,  use YYMMDD.

Job Title

Job descriptive summary (350 characters max)

URL of job details
Hourly Compensation Ad cost is one hour of wages. Hiring fee is 20 times with half going to tax hierarchy.
Posting Date YYMMDD
Listing Start Date YYMMDD
Application Deadline YYMMDD
Employer Email Address

test values


  1. Links to brainbee will be emailed to email address for using in your advertising the job. Place them in your ads.
  2. Employer is responsible for advertising the job.
  3. Hiree is responsible for paying 1% of annual wages to this newspaper with 25% going to the parallel level taxing agency and 25% being forward upward through the taxing levels. Payment can be in cash or lifehours.


  1. Posting Date
  2. Starting Date: Day to start avertising
  3. Deadline for resume submission
  4. Average hourly wage with benefits
  5. Email Address of Human Resources

Newspaper Brainbee Rights