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1 timismStart
2 Collophon
3 OutOfMouths-RustySun
4 BlindfoldedmanShooting
5 StepInRiverHeraclitus
6 car-parts
7 StepInRiver2
8 river_baptism
9 RiverOfGodChristianity
10 bible_versions
11 End-Times
12 Nativity-mary-and-baby-jesusWithSnow
13 irs-logo
14 ChristineODonnell
15 PolitenessPolitics
16 Democratic-Party200years
17 Streamers
18 WillRodgerDemocrat
19 Republican_PartyPastPres
20 cash_swim
21 swimming-in-money
22 ColonialExports1770
23 BeeHiveInTree
24 seasonsOfLife
25 SantaAngry
26 PollutedCreek
27 HumanBodyParts
28 Uranium_decayseries
29 PauliSexclusionary
30 Levels_of_existence
31 RapidChange
32 endtimismLg

Italicized text is not recorded.

1 Re-Timing Physics, Part 3: Rivers of Stability
timismStart Time: 4.8 seconds Total=0:05
[Html version: Essay: Not Available Voice=RSB Shaper=RSB Revu=MLH Linked Uploaded
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Collophon Time: 5.0 seconds Total=0:10
3 Philosophy is a great place to discover clues to hidden secrets of existence. But philosophical conclusions are too often like "Out of the mouths of babes come words of wisdom." In both cases, the expressions must be re-inspected to justify respect.
OutOfMouths-RustySun Time: 17.4 seconds Total=0:27
4 As a rule, both babes and philos are like the blindfolded man shooting who occasionally will hit something. The rest of the time warrants a wary laughter less the weapon swing in one's direction.
Wisdom? No, today's babes are more likely to utter profanity.
BlindfoldedmanShooting Time: 19.4 seconds Total=0:47
5 One tenet from philosophy is the statement that "One cannot step into the same river twice." Because the water and water-borne debris is constantly changing the river is not the same even though it looks the same. In principle, river of stability describes how a higher entity exists while its constituting parts are constantly being replaced.
StepInRiverHeraclitus Time: 25.8 seconds Total=1:12
6 When this tenet was first encountered, the course professor was asked if a car would be the same car if over a period of time one replaced every part? If true, then a second car sitting next to first car would be the same car.
car-parts Time: 16.0 seconds Total=1:28
7 If one believes in the principle of universal principles, one should be able to descend the periodic table of existence to see the universality of being unable to step in the same river twice.
StepInRiver2 Time: 14.4 seconds Total=1:43
8 The top level of timism is morality which is most often claimed as the province of religions. Any historical review of religions shows a constant flow of changing debris borne by the religion washing away senses not sins.
river_baptism Time: 20.1 seconds Total=2:03
9 As a claimed system of morality, despite the widespread financial and pedophilic perfidy, Christianity is an example of a changing river that claims to be the same river of Christ.
RiverOfGodChristianity Time: 15.4 seconds Total=2:18
10 The number of books in the bible has constantly been changing in content and number
[which prompts the question, "When is God going to decide what is his final word?"
bible_versions Time: 6.7 seconds Total=2:25
11 End times, the final days, have been predicted over 1000 times in the last 2000 years by religious zealot.
[Christianity has innumerable endtimes while Islam has innumerable jihads.]

End-Times Time: 10.4 seconds Total=2:35
12 The Biblical birth of Christ in the summer between the crop planting and harvest was moved to the winter soltice to piggy-back pagan pleasures and parties.
Nativity-mary-and-baby-jesusWithSnow Time: 12.6 seconds Total=2:48
13 The U.S. Internal Revenue Service exempts 25,000 different organizations with different debris as being Christian denominations. Instead of two cars claiming to be one car, 25,000 organizations claim to be the same. Sort of like a three-in-one Trinity gone Viral.
irs-logo Time: 22.5 seconds Total=3:11
14 The diversity of details allows the practitioners of Christianity to be mountebanks that play the old switcheroo while still claiming to be Christian, e.g., "I'm not a rich. I'm just like you."
[Indentity politics makes strange ads and strange pedfellos.]

ChristineODonnell Time: 14.6 seconds Total=3:25
15 Politeness or politics describes the next level of timism after morality.
PolitenessPolitics Time: 7.2 seconds Total=3:32
16 The democratic party has been a political force in the U.S. for over two hundred years. It's dubious shifting planks and platforms with the political currents are examples of a river of stability as an entity which ebbs and flows. The most pronounced was from pro-slavery, Jim Crow segregationists to Civil Rights champions.
Democratic-Party200years Time: 27.2 seconds Total=3:59
17 Of course, some would question whether the Democratic Party is a river of shifting ideas or a collection of unrelated streams of thought.
Streamers Time: 10.7 seconds Total=4:10
18 Will Rodgers understood the Democrats
WillRodgerDemocrat Time: 4.2 seconds Total=4:14
19 Republicans, the other major party which is no longer the Party of Lincoln
[if it ever was]
. lives up to the Latin origin of its name
[Rich Pubes]
by being a river of stability focused on the flow of money.
Republican_PartyPastPres Time: 14.7 seconds Total=4:29
20 Republicans live up to the Latin origin of their name
[Rich Pubes]
by being a river of stability focused on the flow of money.
cash_swim Time: 8.2 seconds Total=4:37
21 Over the years with new pork, ear-marks, kickbacks or K-streetism, the Res Pubers have sought to swim in cash even if they drown in it.
Nixon's CREEP in 1972 funded the Watergate crimes.

[This cartoon is another example of how the media is not liberal. The media is owned by Res Pubers who always, unlike the Democrats, stay on soundbyte that is emailed on a daily basis. Part of their control of the media is to foster the grosse luge that the media is liberal.]

swimming-in-money Time: 17.9 seconds Total=4:55
22 Economics details the flow of products within an economy which change. The American economy today has many different goods and services from the colonial era but it is still regarded as the American economy.
ColonialExports1770 Time: 16.7 seconds Total=5:12
23 Like the bees in the hive which both initiate change in the hive while being circumscribed in action by the other bees, economic policy reflects the two extremes of the political parties: wage-takers versus wage-earners, the privileged and the de-privileged.
BeeHiveInTree Time: 20.3 seconds Total=5:32
24 Mentality: We are labeled throughout our lives with the same name, yet our values and views have changed with the seasons of life
seasonsOfLife Time: 9.6 seconds Total=5:42
25 Once Santa Claus was a moral guiding force.
SantaAngry Time: 5.7 seconds Total=5:48
26 Revealed as a farce, most of us subsequently embraced the Insanta Clauses of religion like a pristine creek being polluted with industrial waste.
PollutedCreek Time: 13.9 seconds Total=6:02
27 Catan or Metabolism: Within a two-year period, all the atoms in our body except for the enamel in our teeth is swapped out for new replacements. Like the car in which all parts are replaced, are we the same biological being?
HumanBodyParts Time: 18.3 seconds Total=6:20
28 Spinbarism is the basic, bottom level of the periodic table of existence. Observing the higher rivers of stabilty, one must conclude that the stability of nuclear organization is totally the opposite of reality. Rather than something slowly decaying things are rapidly changing with the occasional misfit that must leave home.
Uranium_decayseries Time: 26.9 seconds Total=6:47
29 Pauli-multi's are a concept within timism that describes the entities composing each level of existence. The term references to the Pauli Exclusionary principle which states, basically, two items cannot be in the same place at the same time. Likewise, the same item cannot be in two places at the same time.
PauliSexclusionary Time: 23.9 seconds Total=7:11
30 A Pauli-Multi describes systems with subsystems which observe Pauli's principle. At each level of existence, one can find subsystems that straddle different Pauli-Multis.
Morality: commandments
Politeness: demes
Economics: currency
Mentality: emotionall training
Catan: homologs
Spinbarism: chemicals
Levels_of_existence Time: 33.6 seconds Total=7:44
31 In summary, rapid change is all about us, more than most people realize. If the principle of River of Stability applies to the basic entities of existence, physicists are wasting a lot of money going nowhere by building boats on dry riverbed
RapidChange Time: 18.6 seconds Total=8:03
[Out of the mouths of babes and philos come words of wisdom. Among the life decisions of which this timist is proud (in the true Latin meaning, forward existence--pro esse) was the decision to explore down the ladder of knowledge from philosophy to physics to qualify the higher level was one of the best decisions. Timism, the periodic table of existence, reflects this intellectual exploration. By pursuing how the mind works--psychology--one could reject certain philosophical and religious paradigms. Likewise, knowledge of metabolism prompted rejecting popular psycho babble. With each descent into the bowels of knowledge, clarity and simplicity shrunk the higher options.]

endtimismLg Time: %213.7 seconds Total=11:36

Total Time: 11.61