iCube Integrity of Intellect and Intelligence

need to review editIdea iCube

Helen Keller syndrome ...

Over-achievers vs. Underachievers: discipline

need a image representation

  1. iCube describes the timistic process of dynamic density from another perspective.
  2. Dynamic density describes the ability of an entity to control its survival by fight or flight depending on perceived food or foe.
  3. iCube has several related meanings. First of all, the mathematical reference is to I to the third power reflecting "I"ntegrity of "I"ntellect and "I"ntelligence. Intellect is the raw natural dynamic density while intelligence is processed information.
  4. Secondly, iCube describes how one can define a three-dimensional cube with the following axis to determine all personalities relative to each other, functional or dysfunctional: External stimuli, Internal stimuli(memories) and ROI (rate of integration).
    1. Of most importance and deeper value is not the naming nor the sarcasm but second meaning, that is, the cube of personality, cognition or mentality.
    2. The personality type, a cluster or cloud of behavior patterns, have a common focus around the patterns are arranged. Like the Olympic logo, personality types over-lap, sharing certain patterns, e.g., bipolar,
    3. In general, personality types fall into three categories: Normal, Neurotic and Psychotic. These categories do not include sub-personalities where clinically defined morons are simpletons with a low iCube.
    4. mental patterns are pauli-multis
  5. Obviously, the person whose mental content is primarily external is an extrovert while at the other extreme is the introvert locked in his thinking, e.g., autism.
  6. Mental Patterns (Pauli-Multis)
    1. Dynamic Density and size/complexity (ROI)
    2. Age dependence inverted curve
    3. Daily Diurnal(sp/def) cycle, awake asleep
    4. Alimentary/Digestive cycle
    5. Analogies
      1. Camera focus analogy ... music complexity, primary beat ... meteological mentality
    6. Significance caffeine, sugar, drugs, psychotrophia, starvation dementia
    7. College students and adver?? stimulant
    8. ADHD and ritalin
    9. AlphaTrifecta
  7. A person is like a music box or automobile in having a process which processes content. One can have horrible music 1) from playing terrible music on an expensive, quality sound system or 2) from playing good music on a cheap, terrible system.
  8. Likewise with a car that does not run: Good car with bad fuel or bad car with good fuel.
  9. As dynamic systems, the stereo or car performs according to the matrix of process (intellect)  and content (intelligence). [One can define intelligence as intellect but this muddies a simple, full understanding of thinking. Intelligence is information (content) rather than process. The Central Intelligence Agency processes information as an intellectual process. It is not the Central Intellect Agency.]
  10. The process/content examples of music and car peformance parallels the standard nature/nurture paradigm in psychology.
  11. The relation of intellect to intelligence can be seen in how a person responds to sudden pain.
    1. Some people are whining wimps while others are calm stalwarts. Since the external stimulus is the same, the different response reflects the integration of internal stimuli (memories or learning) with environmental input.
    2. The role of intellect can be seen in the different responses to pain by the same person when either awake or asleep. At a lower rate of integration, one cannot readily impose memory/learning on the response to external stimuli.
  12. Observing the principle of dynamic density that an entity's survival, stability or time is based optimal approach/avoidance to foe or food, one can assess a timistic value to the iCube of a person on a continuum from creative to cancer.
    1. Lower levels of intellect are less creative of time creation, that is, more likely to be food or fool than survivor or surgeon.
    2. Lower levels of intelligence are typical of players rather than workers.
  13. Play/work ... living/lying information
    1. A person who plays is cancer to himself. One cannot survive without work, that is, solving real problems. Work is the perview(sp) of living while play is the field of lying. (clarify)
    2. As one can assess a person's creativity/cancerosity on a continuum, one can equally assess the survivability of a family, community, nation or species based on summating individual morality of more time.
    3. For instance, America does not work any more because it is a nation of players who confuse the play pathos with the work ethics.
    4. America's decline into the cancer of play, play, play reflects the iCube of its political capital and capitol. A cancer is a subsystem that drains the system for its personal excesses. This describes the habitual politicians obsessed with re-election wherein they metastasize boutique electoral districts that look like malignant cancers and accept bribes under the rube of "campaign contributions."
    5. Equally true, and more profound and widespread is the moral cancers of the major religions which preach something-for-nothing, bless playing and forgive hypocrisy.
    6. By coincidence based on the play/work dichotomy, iCube references the popular terms of iPhone and iPad which, based on their cancerous nature to problem awareness and solution, are iShit.
  14. Meteorological Mentality
  15. RT-6A Psychopharmacology: 1st of all, form of food ... contra
    1. Contradictions like CO2 warming/colding ... drought/deluge
    2. Long-term
    3. Addiction (Personal story) ... public story ...
  16. Personal: Can't do fouriers anymore, by the time I get to the fourth step I forgot the first step: As Reagan said of alligators up to the Keiser.


In all cases, the higher dynamic density is a double-edged sword. The mentally limited child does not have the time-destruction capacity of nuclear-obssessed politicians and money-hungry clergy. As the pen is mightier than the sword so is the grosse luge more destructive than any weapon of mass destruction. The latter can be seen in how the gross lies about Iraq have killed more Americans and Iraqis than Saddam's weapons of mass d estruction. Unfortunately, based on a timistic analysis of dynamic density, the current highest forms of existence are cancerous, cannibalistic and suicidal.

  1. Mentally, the manifest destiny of the United States to lead the world to a higher level of civilization has been sabotaged by an increasingly diseased polity that could not today achieve what the colonists achieved in 1776. When the average person the United States calls himself an American, he insults the people who created the American Dream for metastasizing an American Nightmare.
  2. Economically, humanity is dying from the decay of necronomics, the killing laws.
  3. Politically, the problems of humanity are addressed with symbols and soundbytes, not substance and solutions.
  4. Morally, the most prominent religious leaders are the most distant from the essence of God, preaching messages that encourage a fracturing of understanding God by humanity and preaching messages of wanton waste and destruction of God's creation by humanity.
  1. 3d-mind decreasing, e.g., plugging in computer cable blindly.
  2. Frog leaping analogy, smaller steps.

Personal icube: filling backwards working on programs: More details and longer names, non-abbreviations.

mind changing analogies to gas, wood and coal burning.