Meteorological Mentality

  1. Meteorological mentality describes the similiarites between human mentality and global meteorology. In noting these simlarities, one can better understand both.
  2. If one were to inflate the fissured cerebral cortex into a sphere like the planet earth, one would find many similarities between neural patterns and weather patterns.
  3. Both the global atmosphere and cerebral cortex have layers of activity containing different patterns. In the atmosphere, one can see this when there are different layers of clouds going different directions, each with different temperatures and moisture.
  4. As weather systems come into existence, they are affected by other weather systems while affecting those other systems.The same with mental neural patterns.
  5. As the accuracy of weather forecast decrease with future projection length so do our mental thoughts become less controllable as the projected timestop is defined. While you probably are c
    cerebral consciousness and biology can be furthered by

Ideas pop into head is like a cloud popping up or out.

CO2 and brain activity.

ROI and thoughts & prediction

weather prediction

Earth consciousness

My graduate studies in CO2 proved to be very helpful.

Hurricanes are epileptic seizures.

Both meteorological mentality and mental meteorology are aversely affected by rising CO2.

gravity and rainfall ... gravity maps and metereological mentality


  1. start
  2. Weather Patterns: Have you considered the similarities of the earth's weather patterns and the images of cortical neural activity? They are more than similar, they are parallels with difference in speed and size.
  3. If you blew up the cortices into sphere and slowed them down, the neural patterns would look like the earth's weather.
  4. As the atmosphere has several levels so does the cortex.
  5. While not exactly parallel, both earth and brain has highs and lows. Both have electrical storms.
  6. Most important is how the weather patterns lend insight into how consciousness works. As weathermen can predict the course of a storm with decreasing accuracy, you can predict your future thoughts with decreasing accuracy.
  7. You may be able to predict where you will be in ten minutes, but you cannot predict what you will be thinking about. Try it. Set a timer. Set a thought. Go off and do something else. When the timer goes off, is it the thought you thought you would think?
  8. As weather patterns interact to change their behavior so it is the same with your brain.
  9. Interestingly, CO2 affects both weather and mental patterns. If one hyperventilates, the lact of CO2 causes mental impairment which is fixed by breathing into a bag. Increased atmospheric CO2 is killing life on earth.
