Nation, City, embassy, consulate, payrate, Ruble ID#

Vote for Democracy

Good Samaritan Helpers ... list ... Signup as Good Samaritan ... number to support .... Government or Private

Russian Diplomat Table

Crowdfunding Arrest of Vladimir Putin for Crimies Against Humanity
Posters for

Tally Total ... Foreign nation ...
Crowdfunding Vladimir Putin's Arrest for Crimes against Humanity:
Diplomats Voting for Democracy in Russia

Financial Support while boycotting Putin's despotism
Function/Facility Embassy or Consulate
Nation of location Enter 2-letter ICANN designation of foreign nation
City of location
Payrate (US dollars)
Ruble ID#
Good Samaritan Domain list (posters)
Good Samaritan Email Address
Timism Account Email Address


Posters: Corporate ... National ... Individuals

How to make a simple, clear poster:

  1. Create and printoff on standard office size paper.

Corporate Poster

Vote for Democracy

Save Russia from Despotism

Stop the decline and death
of your motherland.

We will provide temporary asylum
with living costs and your salary.
(see corporate list)

When the war in Ukraine ends,
you will receive five years of wages
for going home

See ?? for more details