At the bottom is a chronological listing of Trump Rejectors received via FedEx

Only 38 Repubican Rejectors or Abstainers
Needed to Change the Future of America
and Needed to Save Life on Earth

Electoral College Straw Vote to Reject Trump For President

FedEx Packaged must be received by Saturday, December 17, 2016

Republican members of the Electoral College who want to reject Trump, please FedEx two letters indicating your rejecting Trump.

  1. Dump Trump, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC, 20050, and,
  2. Timism, Chatwell, 3600 Anne Street, Richmond, Virgnia 23225.

When President Obama receives 38 or more Republican Trump Rejectors, he needs to order a stop of the transition process until after a confirmation by the final vote of the Electoral College on or after December 19, 2016. The actual Dream Team duo will be determined Sunday, December 18, with Bloomberg.

Lifehour credits are promised to a charity of your choice. Given the direness of the Trump's 'Victory Tour' you personally will be credited with an equal number of lifehours based on the FedEx timestamp of your letter. Lifehours have a value equal to the average American hourly wage, about $25, at Timism's LBO/IPO.

  1. First rejector receives 100,000
  2. Rejectors two to ten receive 10,000
  3. Rejectors eleven to fifty receive 1,000
  4. Rejectors fifty-one plus receive 500

Democrats Electoral College voters who pledge by FedEx to support the Dream Team will receive 1,000 lifehour credits added to their Timism account. As is, to vote for Clinton is a waste vote. Voting for the Dream Team will prevent chaos in the House of Representatives.

In the letter to Timism, include your email address and the email of your non-profit so both can be credited.

(Please note it may be a few days before your lifehours are added to your account. If you don't have an account, signup via the Super Brainbee.)

Among the many reasons for dumping trump is the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on earth from climate change, a fact that "Mr. Know Everything Trump" does not know. If you read "CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule," you will realize that things are worse than you think or you know. The accelerating, synergistic existential meltdown from rising CO2 has an inertia that will worsen with Trump's hot air and igknowance.

A global Manhatten Project is needed to maximize the bearable sacrifices to reduce the unbearable suffering. Climate change is behind the Mid-East and African migrant refugee crisis as well as the U.S. mega-fires and mega-floods. Anyone who says we cannot economically afford to fight climate change is not including the cost of climate change fires, floods, refugees, and inflation.

Trump never met a dictionary, truth or pith that he did not dislike:

  1. Global Warming Test: Grow the economy till we die or slow the economy so we live.
  2. 529s: Tame the tuition monster and inflame the inflation super-monster.
  3. 401s: Biggest bank robbery in history

I hope it will be said that Trump's Victory was an example of counting your chickens before they hatch.

(If I was a waivering Trump Elector, I would vote Reject just to watchTrump's temper-tantrum tweets when he realizes he is not going to be the President!)

Trump Rejectors