Ballot Divide by 7 for Test Title bb_test_config (fxBrainbeesTest): 11:59:51 of ??
(db=timismor_bb_test_el_2hours w/49 items)

Please vote by deadline of 20181023_190328


Divide by 7 Ballot Item intro:
  1. Give a fish, you feed for a day. Cheerlead playing, you have a player to feed for life.(99) ID: 199
  2. Better Democracy and Capitalism are the tools for a safer, saner world.(204) ID: 304
  3. If you like high taxes, vote the incumbent or do not vote at all. To stop the theft of taxes and time, vote independent.(15) ID: 115
  4. We do nog need leaders if we have the tools to lead ourselves: Better Democracy and Capitalism through colfilperhone and lifehours.(169) ID: 269
  5. Capitalism is a victim of identity theft. Wall Street hijacked its terms and tools to decapitalize production and decapitate jobs: Bankruptcies and Unemployment.(323) ID: 423
  6. Share Job Time or Jobless Crime. No jobs is the fertile ground for terrorists.(134) ID: 234
  7. If your financial transactions increases production, productivity and employment, then your are a capitalist. If your greed causes corporate dismemberment, reductivity, and employment decapitation, your are a decapitalist.(141) ID: 241

Votes: (Maximum items to vote: 6)

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