Ballot Final for Test seconds Rankings of ??
(db=timismor_bb_test_rk_seconds w/343 items)

Please vote by deadline of 20181108_011459


Final Ballot Item intro:
  1. When the politicians make good policy, the polity in the polis is polite without the need of police, politics, polls or pols.(36) ID: 36
  2. Igknowance is bliss until igknowed problems blitz your life.(338) ID: 338
  3. When the politicians make good policy, the polity in the polis is polite without the need of police, politics, polls or pols.(10) ID: 10
  4. If we do not do what is right we will suffer what is wrong.(39) ID: 39
  5. Capitalism is a victim of identity theft. Wall Street hijacked its terms and tools to decapitalize production and decapitate jobs: Bankruptcies and Unemployment.(236) ID: 236
  6. With better democracy and capitalism via the internet, the price of democracy is not eternal vigilance but an average of 10 minutes per day.(132) ID: 132
  7. If technology saves 10% of the time to produce goods and services, should we cut the workweek by 10% or fire 10% of the workers?(77) ID: 77

Votes: (Maximum items to vote: 7)

[Runoffs: Null]