debts payoff
Angels Funding Better Democracy to Reverse Climate Hell
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Angels Funding Better Democracy to Reverse Climate Hell

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Angels Needed to Activate Timism

Until five angels arise, signups are limited to the United States. When a supporter completes the signup form, an account is created. However, the account is placed in the inactive status until five loans of one million dollars each. Loans are repaid from the Global Democracy Tax which has a monopoly on the funds generated by the Tools of Timism, primarily brainbees. Loans are converted into U.S. lifehour credits to automatically adjust for any inflation. A percentage of Timism's monthly cashflow pays down the loans. The bulk of the Global Democracy Tax goes to Ukraine to use for its defense of democracy.

If you have the means to be an angel for democracy, please complete the following form. It requires a $5,000 payment via Paypal after which you will be emailed Timism's bank account numbers for ETF transfer. All loaned funds will be used for Timism operating costs. When cashflow exceeds operating costs, the funds remaining of the  original loan will be immediately paid to lenders.


I will lend Timism one million dollars for the purposes listed above with repayment from the Global Democracy Tax. The funds will be electronically transfered within five business days to the bank account numbers to be forwarded to me. So far: name or anonymous

I support Angels Funding Better Democracy to Reverse Climate Hell
and bodyguards and pilots doing the right thing
for Russia and climate change.

Idea Lottery ... Media Critique

ICANN code 2-letter, e.g.,US
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Copyright Robert Steven Barnett, 2022