Timism blocks processing information on Sundays (US EST)
for the Primary Moral Imperative.

Inflationary Suffering: Cheapening of time ... Calculus of Reality based on Math of Mother Nature

  1. To solve a problem requires an adequate understanding of its origin and its impact. Inflationary suffering is more than a cheapening of your money, it is a cheapening of your time.
  2. If inflation cheapens your money by 10% it really is cheapening the worktime as if you worked 36 hours instead of 40 hours.
  3. The worst kind of infaltionary suffering is unemployment wherein your worktime is cheapened 100%.
  4. How does the Federal Reserve try to whip inflation? With unemployment by raising interest rates as elaborated at DumFed.org.
  5. Striking for more money worsens inflation as businesses increases costs to cover increased wages along with the added cost of accounting to adjust prices.
  6. There are two general ways that one can lessen inflationary suffering:
    1. Increase one's problem-solving knowledge so as to command a higher price in the market-place for each hour one works. Part-and-parcel is reducing the workweek (24in4) so that openings on the career ladder open up. Morally, share job time or jobless crime.
    2. Lessen one's need of other problem-solvers so one saves time and money. Become a DYI'er on the weekend.

Do's and Don't's

  1. If you want to have more money and free-time, live like a baby-chicken: cheap, cheap, cheap. Visit thrift stores, especially off-season for seasonal needs.
  2. If you want to have more money and free-time avoid being a pro-litterer who births babies that Mother Nature cannot afford resulting in accelerating climate change from more mouths to feed as food acreage decreases.
  3. Eat more meals at home, save 70% or more on your food costs. Cook two or more meals at one time (save time and energy).
  4. Per Buddhism: Control your wants. The cost of humanity has two CO2 cost: The cost of living for our needs and the cost of lying for our wants. Any lie has a hidden cost--karma.

The most economic form of happiness is reading.

  1. Research shows readers are less depressed and less suicidal. Reading liberates one from self-defeating values that cause emotional depression.
  2. One's morale reflects one's morality as a timeful creator rather than a timeless cancer.
  3. Choose your friends and lovers based on their hobbies. Non-readers and non-cookers will pressure you to spend money on expensive hobbies. Inflationary friends cheapen your time and life.
  4. Avoid players who are pseudo workers wasting time and money
  5. Remember, the word friend comes old English for "freeing person."

Re-define yourself: Give up being a malignant materialist to be a minimalist mentalist.

  1. People who suffered most from pandemic: materialists, not mentalists and minimalists.
  2. Be a minimalist not only in your material purchases and possessions but in emotional attachments. A friend is someone who, per its etymology of being a "freeing person," helps you find freedom from your time-wasting problems.
  3. If a person says they are your friend, but wastes your time, they are doing the talk without the walk.

Remember, the Primary Moral Imperative is saving life on Planet Earth from climate hell. By generating less CO2 sith simpler lives, we can each do our part . Stay-at-home Sundays is part of saving our future. Per Gandhi, "Live simple so others can simply live."

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