Iowa/New Hampshire: Given that Iowa caucuses continually debase our Presidential elections with "Big Mo" for weirdo right-wingers, we need to economically hurt Iowa and Iowans until they announce support for regional primaries using brainbees beginning July 4th of the election year. The same is true for New Hampshire.

Therefore, I pledge

  1. To toss any resume from anyone who graduated from an Iowan school, college or university.
  2. To buy gas before driving across Iowa.
  3. To not sleep in an Iowan hotel or motel.
  4. To not book or attend a convention in Iowa.
  5. To submit the names of house owners who host caucuses with the undertanding at the gene pool plevel they will be denied the benefits of timism, e.g., loan refinancing and community-based healthcare.
  6. To boycott any media outlet that says caucuses are more important than regional primaries.
  7. If Iowan, to not buy a new car until caucuses are banned. Anyone who buys a new car after one millin pledgers loses the right to timism benefits, see above.
  8. I recognize that all this eternal campaigning constitutes unnecessary CO2-sinning by campaigns. Campaign aides lose the benefits to timism.

Brainbee submission: Ways to boycott Iowa and New Hampshire.