The Primary Moral Imperative of saving life
on Planet Earth requires better, efficient government:
Universal, global brainbees are the needed medicine.

Super Brainbees: Better Democracy

One thing is driving the worsening global and national political chaos: Climate Change. In destroying the biomass upon which people depend for food, the true cost of living (time) is increasing beyond the means of more and more people. The annual doubling of climate refugees is unsustainable. As more and more people compete for less and less, survival of the meanest fuels tribablism, terrorism and crime.

To blame for worsening habitual problems are the habitual politicians. The only thing worse than not voting is voting for a habitual problem. Why is democracy failing? Habitual politicians and their money dictators. The latter determines who is on the ballots leaving the electorate to select the lesser of two evils. Re-election addiction drives habitual politicians to cater to their campaign bribers. Thus, the more things change in soundbytes, the more the problems remain the same.

Timism offers the means to find new faces for old problems. The new faces must rise from the grassroots not merely for elective office but for transient problem-definition to find the biggest problem affecting the greatest number of people. Timism offers "citizen legislation" for the latter, monthly brainbees at the national, state and local level to fufill by open-door, level-field better democracy the Timism dictum:

When politicians make good policies then the polity in the polis will be polite without police.

Super Brainbees provide standardize, on-line apps for electing and informing officials: Click to review.

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You will pay one lifeminute and receive one lifehour credit--a 60:1 profit.