Intern Career Options and Mega Rewards
Along with voting for an Infrastructure Competitor, participants can choose an internship area. Interns will be selected via a lottery of the submitters receiving a 1000 lifehour bonus.

During the assimilation start-up of 12-16 weeks (one semester), interns will work 20 paid weekly hours with a weekly bonus of 500 lifehour credits (about $12,500 in eventual market value). When the center is initiated, an intern organizational meeting will be held within two weeks. Faculty advisors receive the same lifehour credits.

(A final special bonus will be awarded when the committee no longer needs the input or guidance of Bob Barnett who, after a half-century of formulating Timism: The Morality of More Time, is sick of being obsessed with Timism.)

It may be necessary to reduce one's classload. However, the financial rewards and resume entry are without parallel for a college student.

Timism is a meritocracy in which continual employment requires performance. Failure to  perform sufficiently, especially being on-time for work periods, will result in termination. Tardiness is the worst form of theft as you steal the time and life of others.