24in4: By better employing our human potential to solve our problems, we can have a 24-hour workweek in 4 years with more disposable funds and fun for self, family, and community in a safer, saner world. An initial key to saving the middle-class is a 3-step plan to

  1. A one-time refinancing of all loans a la Chapter 13 to zero-interest or near-zero interest rates--see Refinance 13.
  2. Share job time or jobless crime, taxes, inflation and insurance rates by converting interest rate savings for middle-class into shorter workweek: If I cut your cost of living by 8 hours, would you be willing to work 8 hours less? By working less you would have more free time and a job promotion. The alternative is to work more and more for less and less as the cost of worsening unsolved problems increase the cost of living.
  3. Community service for healthcare costs. Let's take healthcare financing out the business bottomline which discriminates against seniors and women.
  4. If you would like to see 24in4, it takes enough people to pressure the politicians, or, elect new minds for old problems.

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