24in4 Healthcare via Community Service

Index of  Timism Healthcare Essays

Can a country promise citizens insurance coverage more than the average citizen's lifetime income? No, but habitual politicians seeking re-election promise the sky and the moon with smoke and mirrors. If the GNP goes for healthcare, what money will be left for food, clothing and housing?

Which health system will cost a country less:

  1. one that has a government bureaucrat for every 50 citizens, or,
  2. one that requires and supports self-responsibility for healthcare?

Which will require greater taxes? Which will lead to a shorter workweek?

Timism proposes a National Universal Service Act whereby citizen volunteer 8 hours a week in a needed community service. If citizens take care of the community then the community will take care of them.

Free healthcare only worsens individual health as most people will sit on their asses getting fatter and fatter when the could be exercising via community service.

The average person works 8 hours a week to have company-paid healthcare coverage.

For better health care, would you

  1. volunteer eight hours in community service and
  2. work eight hours less to create job opportunities for the dysemployed?

If you could have better healthcare by volunteering 8 hours
in community service, would you work 8 hours less

I support community service for healthcare costs.