Qualfiications of Bob Barnett

  1. Resume: Some people reading my resume think I am a liar. No, gifted with great brain, I quickly became successful and bored in new fields so I moved on every few yeats.
  2. Transcript: Perhaps the most objective index of my mental sponge is my undergraduate performance: Cum Laude in just over two years at university of 29,000. One semester, I completed seven courses for 24 credit hours, ace'ing each course.
  3. Achievements: Another biographical view of life travels.
  4. References: Saved the best for last.
  5. Writings: Written in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the books are the intellectual basis for better democracy and capitalism--brainbees and lifehours.
  6. CaveGarden: How to get up to 3 times more producer per sq.ft.
  7. Around the World in 30 Days Via Amtrak, 25,000 miles.
  8. Timism, The Morality of More Time. Existence Validation
  9. (Unique qualifications for analyzing climate change.

A FYI, no lifehour credit entry