CO2: Particulate Ratio

Much advertising proclaims clean natural gas as being better than coal. Such ads are akin to anyone who claims improved health by removing all the bacteria from your intestinal track. As lower prices increase usage of both natural gas and automobile gas in conjunction with closing 'dirty' coal plants, the CO2/Particulate ratio in the atmosphere changes. As the ratio rises so will droughts and deluges rise in frequency and size. (2015). Petrophiliacs chanting clean fuel are increasing the frequency of local lottery winners of global warming. As said in my original 1982 paper, 'CO2 is a negative cloud seeding agent' (page 7). More CO2 means more droughts and deluges. Furthermore, the few homes destroyed by massive megafires is nothing compared to the downwind millions and billions of dollars in destruction of homes, businesses and infrastructure from CO2-driven deluges, e.g., the US Midwest March 2019 massive, multi-state flooding. Claims of clean CO2 is like claims of clean HIV.

[Also in the original 1982 paper--Oil Droughts--it was stated at the beginning of the 2nd paragraph that oil companies knew the trajectory of CO2-caused climate change. Recent lawsuits from state attorney generals confirm this conclusion with corporated documents from the late 1950s. Like tobacco executives hiding cancer from smoking, oil execs put greed before green. Petrophiliacs are climate criminals.]