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Angela Merkle's Climate Hell Timebomb:
Cancers, Criminals and Lemmings
When the muddled-class is not bemoaning the fate of refugees, another favorite trendng topic is climate change. What happens when a refugee from an underdeveloped country with an annual CO2 sin of 2 tons goes to a developed nation with an annual average of 16 tons? He becomes a devil's disciple on the road to Climate Hell.
This is like the anti-abortionists not looking at the life-long costs of unwanted fetus:
As George Carlin conveyed, anti-abortonists want to do everything for an unwanted fetus but nothing beyond birth till of military daft age.
A climate criminal in the US, for example, is a hard-working illegal alien driving a shining new gas-guzzling truck without a license because they don't speak enough English to pass the written driver's license test. Why a large truck? To transport their larger than average family of mouths to feed. What does it mean for climate change when there are over 10 million illegal refugees in the U.S? Well, Mother Nature says an additional 120 million tons of CO2.
Angela Merkle opened Germany's borders to 2 million pro-litter refugees. The given reason was that Germany needed more people to fill jobs. Think about that in terms of climate change: We want more people to generate more CO2 to kill us by floods or droughts. In developed countries, birth striking people have a greater variety of entertainment beyond the human genitalia. Thus, a lower birthrate.
Merkle failed the Global Warming test: Grow the economy till we die or slow the economy so we live. Alfred Nobel's prizes increase human population and CO2 sinning. Merkle's action is a ticking timebomb that will politically destroy Gemany and, worse than the Nazi Holocaust that killed millions, Merkle's contribution to the Climate Holocaust will kill billions along with most of life on Planet Earth.
Forty percent of people who have lived in the last 10,000 years are still alive as CO2 sinners against Mother Nature. When the Biblical god told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, there were only two people supposedly on Planet Earth, not 8 billion. Sadly, with six papist members, the U.S. Supreme Court will rule from their emotional closet rather than objectively choose life on Planet Earth, e.g., overturning Roe vs. Wade.
Copyright Robert Steven Barnett, 1979+