Hydrophobic Hellene (2024) and Mountain Valley Pipeline
There are inter-state and inter-national laws for flow rates and pollution content of border-crossing rivers. With the awareness of atmospheric rivers, the same logic should apply. California's atmospheric rivers, originating with the massive Siberian forest fires has been matched by the Caribbean atmospheric river now known as Hurricane Helene. Atmospheric rivers are not 100-year events. More are coming. For this writer, past efforts to educate has fallen on deaf ears includeing prior once-in-500-yea deluges in the Carolinas--see 2015 Carolina Floods Explained.
On the flipside, hydrophilia predicts the Carolina Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), importing "375 million cubic feet of natural gas per day", will soak up millions of gallons of water from the ground and atmosphere. The water will drop downwind in the Atlantic Ocean. The Carolinas will have the ying-yang of worsening droughts and deluges.
Virginia dodge the bullet of less rainfall when the Atlantic Coast Pipeline was canceled. The Keystone XL Pipeline from Canada into the US will increase disruptive rainfall patters and it should be canceled.