"Crimes are more effectively prevented by the certainty than by the severity of the punishment ... The certainty of small punishment will make a stronger impression than the fear of one more severe." (1764, Cesare Beccaria, Essays on Crimes and Punishment).

Fines of Timism in Time

Because currencies are not tied to time, they are sources of institutional dysfunction and corruption. An example is regulatory fines for violating laws. For a millionaire, what is a $100 speeding ticket compared to the father earning minimum wage? Does the death of an innocent victim distinguish between a speeding millionare and a speeding pauper.

The purpose a speeding fine to slow down the speeder. The fine is nothing if the fine is a few seconds of income inconvenience to the millionaire versus 13 or 14 hours of minimum wage income to the pauper papa.  

In Sweden, fines are based on a percentage of income which is really a tax on one's time. A internet millionaire was stopped going 35mph in a 25mph zone. Based on his income, the fine was over $600,000. In court he pleaded for mercy which the judge was about to grant until a policeman accessed his portable computer. The officer showed the judge that internet tycoon had been stopped for same speeding a year earlier and was let off by another judge--the fine of over $600,000 was not reversed.

Timism proposes electricity denial fines that affects one's time whether one is rich or poor. The loss of electricity has the same impact for rich and poor.

I support fines being in time so rich and poor pay the same fine which is not the case with money fines.