April 11, 2022 (Deadline for accepting offer: April 18,2022)


I believe that some of you are reviewing my offer. You will be receiving emails on other foci. For example, the USA funding of schools by tax credits that accelerates educational inflation (I admire your college-funding system. In several instances, I say we should "Finlandize" different public services.)

All emails have import for the PMI: Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on Planet Earth from Climate Hell. I seek to channel Mother Nature's Laws, to observe the Calculus of Reality based on the Math of Mother Nature. Igknowance of the laws is no excuse, but, igknowance of Mother Nature's Laws is no escape. Judge my bedside manners by this Imperative becase the patient is dying at a faster pace.

Only a crash program will fulfill the PMI. It requires enough people globally to be educated and motivated: Hydrophlia, CO2 Killer Molecule, brainbees and lifehours. Abraham Lincoln said no man should be govern by another except by the consent of the governed. People will not do what needs to be done if they do not understand that today's sacrifices will prevent greater pain and suffering tomorrow.

I hope you will share any bugs you find via bugs@timism.com. I dread to think my 50 years of building a Theory Of Everything is blocked by a simple locked door. You could have the key to unlock a hallway of solutions to many human problems. I encourage you to follow Twitter.com/Brainbees for announcements that will affect your decisions to support Timism.

Again, you can have the big income from bandwith fees for 150 Timism national accounts, 3600 subnational accounts, etc. I just want to pay debts and live quietly until I die.

While I can persuasively propose an alternative to the Standard Model in physics (the Simple Model, constructed 1977-78 showing E=MC2=hf), the average person will be more readily attracted to supporting the PMI with bait from the top of Timism's Periodic Table of Existence, to wit,

Meaning of Life: An Optimist's View

Living beyond your means lessens your means. UB meaningless.
Living within your means creates more means. UB meaningful.
Meaning of Life: Be a Timeful Creator not a Timeless Cancer.
Meaningless menials become meanies.

To be happy with more means, time, freedom & friends,
live like a baby chicken: cheap, cheap, cheap.

Be a minimalist mentalist not a malignant materialist.

Time is the thread in the fabric of life ... the gravity of existence.

Timism: The Morality of More Time, aka,
The Periodic Table of Existence, aka,
The Theory of Everything

Why Theory of Everything?
The quantification of time in two variables
(clock length and environment impact)
determines quality of time.

(The heuristic starting point of all dynamics.)

The quantity of time given to the beloved
determines the quality of love.

Optimists opt to be timists.

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