Dear Ambassador,

Before reviewing my offer, please review my qualifications as a polymath.


Before uploading the following for the public, I would like the recipients of this missive to review to increase the critical mass of understanding. Please note there are two ways for immediate communcation: Zoom and email. I am willing to travel from Richmond, VA, to meet with you and staff to answer any questions.

Time is of the essence. If ignored, I am a person who goes off to other, developing interests, e.g., you will be in receipt of other foci, e.g., climate change. If Ukraine does not want the tools and benefits of Timism then I will do a global replacement of Ukraine with another nation's name.

Main Tool and Benefit:

  1. Brainbees will do to human decision-making what computers did to bookkeeping, accounting and logistics, i.e., cut costs upwards of 90%. Sample
  2. A usage fee is charged which is called, herein, a "democracy tax" inasmuch as brainbees implement better democracy.
  3. Ukraine, will receive 75% or more of all fees collectedly automatically via PayPal.
  4. The average person will annually pay one hour of wages to participagte in brainbees. Ukraine's near-monopoly on Timism revenue will continue as long as Ukraine maintains its fight for democracy and beyond. Projected annual revenue in US dollars is double-digit billions.
  5. You can see why people will pay an hour of wages if you sign-up and vote for the Ukrainian issues. [There are over 20 other categories of issues as well as numerous daily "votes" requiring pennies that add up.)
  6. More importantly, the better democracy will make a better world lowering cost of living so currency buys more.

Please sign up twice for free at, once as a Ukrainian and then any other country. The reason for the latter is understand the universality of my coding for any country.

This is a work in progress. Any bugs found can be forwarded via the Timism/Ukraine email program limited to authorized email addresses.

The past is prologue to the future:


Robert "Bob" S. Barnett
3600 Anne Street
Richmond, VA 23225
804-801-2130 (text only)