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Millionaires Crowdfunding Vladimir Putin's Arrest
for International Crimes Tribunal

How can we encourage Putan's bodyguards to arrest him and transport him to the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague? Simple. We bribe them! Let's incentivize to catalyze a surprise.

Steps to arresting and extraditing Putin:

  1. Crowdfunders: 100 pledges of one million dollars.

  2. Swiss bank: Accepts deposits as stewards of

  3. Apologists: Resign

  4. Bodyguards Arrest of Putin, Lavrov, Medvedev, Dvornikov, Nebenzya and Peskov

  5. Vote for Arresting Putin,

Why body guards and advisors will act on financial incentives.

  1. They already act on bribes to turn a blind eye.

  2. Ukraine is winning the war and will not quit.

  3. Russia is losing the war and does not have the means nor men to win.

  4. Russia does not have the money and means to bury all of its Ukrainian dead.

  5. The West sees Putin as a threat to civilization and global warming and will not end the economic sanctions until Russia leaves Ukraine.

  6. Each day of war in Ukraine is a day that Russia slides faster into an economic depression from which recovery will be harder and longer.

  7. Putin's bodyguard rewards for unquestioned loyalties are fading away as the Russian economy sinks.

  8. The family and friends of the bodyguards are suffering more and more with a worsening future.

  9. If Putin uses the nuclear option, many Russian cities will be wiped off the face of the earth.

45 Bodyguards at $2 million each (top)
Wait until $100 million deposited at a Swiss bank. Incentive paid at local Swiss bank branch in the Hague.
Based on date of signup, $1 million bonus to top four arresters for each war criminal.
War Criminals to be arrested and extradited to The Hague
  • Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich, President
  • Lavrov, Sergei Viktorovich, Russian Foreign Minister
  • Medvedev, Dmitri, Putin Advisor, former Russian President
  • General Aleksandr Dvornikov, Butcher of Syria
  • Vasily Alekseevich Nebenzya, Russia's UN Ambassador (resign option, see apologists)
  • Dmitry Peskov: Putin Spokesperson (resign option, see apologists)
How to know if you are alone or part of a developing "Young Turk" soviet to save Russia. In the comment section, enter some personal information on Putin that only the inner circle would know. Do not make it lengthy as it will allow other bodyguards to add details to indicate they are with you in overthrowing Putin's grip on power. Do not use any inside information that only you would know. Use information that is widely known among the bodyguards alone.

Please note: Only two pieces of information retained, your comment and the serial number on a piece of Russian currency. While the originating email address must have the "RU" domain name, it will not be recorded. Best to use an email address other than your own. The key information is the serial number which will be your $1 million ticket. The comment is to facilitate co-workers knowing they are not alone.

Testing the waters: Ask a fellow bodyguard if they have seen this arrest proposal. If they say "No" then it means "No" or they object to arresting Putin. If they come back later with "Yes, I saw it." it will mean they are on board. If they say "Yes" it indicates that they will arrest if not alone. This allows plausible deniability.

Currency Serial Number
Scuttlebutt (Putin info)

Review Scuttlebutt: dateTime,

Apologists Resignation: $5 million each (top)
Apologists, wait until $100 million deposited at Swiss bank then resign and contact branch of Swiss bank for reward. Each will receive immunity from any legal action related to serving Putin. Must resign before Putin is arrested. Otherwise, no deal and will be subject to arrest and extradition to ICC in The Hague.
Vasily Alekseevich Nebenzya, Russia's UN Ambassador, resigns seeks temporary asylum till Putin arrested.
Dmitry Peskov: Putin spokesperson goes into hiding till Putin arrested.

Swiss bank wanted to accept million dollar deposits (top)
An international campaign is underway to end the Russian invasion of Ukraine. One facet requires a Swiss bank to accept million dollar deposits from individuals, foundations and businesses. When sufficient crowdfunding  pledges of $100 million then pledgers emailed request to make deposits

The Swiss bank of record will hold the funds until payment to bodyguards and/or apologists. As has been the historical case many times, the Swiss bank is merely holding money for others without political implication. Once $100,000,000 is deposited from the crowdfunders, Putin's bodyguards will have 60-days to take advantage of this offer.

Upon transfer of funds, the crowdfunding lender will receive a Timism account with a two-fer payment in bonds and credits. Some will say this new cybercurrency is uncertain. Maybe. But, Putin's attack on democracy is a certitude that is worth a million dollar donation independent of any monetary reward. First and foremost, the funds should be viewed as a contribution reversing climate change as Putin's war is accelerating global warming.

form needs domain name of bank ... bankname ... contact ... email

ICANN code 2-letter Eligible Banks
Member Email:
Must be signed in as a business: signup.
Email must have domain name of eligible bank.

  1. UBS Switzerland
  2. Credit Suisse
  3. Swiss Raiffeisen
  4. Zurich Cantonal Bank
  5. Julius Baer
  6. EFG International


Bonus for Swiss bank:

  • Global banker for  Timism's cashflow to over 150 nations.
  • At least once a year, supporters of Timism will pay one hour of wages for the benefits of Timism, e.g., participating in brainbees and earning lifehour credits.
  • 75% of revenue goes a Ukraine relieve fund--see cashflow.

Crowdfunders: Individuals and Businesses (top)
Crowdfunders are requested to pledge one million dollars each. When the total amount ($100,000,000) is pledge, crowdfunders will be notified by the Swiss bank to receive deposits.

Reasons to make the loan:

  1. Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on Planet Earth from Climate Earth. Putin's war is accelerating climate change:
    1. The CO2 from burning Ukraine cities.
    2. The ignored Siberian forest fires generating massive amounts of CO2, more than all the other forest fires in the world.
    3. The post-war CO2 costs of rebuilding Ukraine.
  2. Democracy is under attack as Putin will not stop with Ukraine.
  3. Ukraine did not start this war but is paying the price of defending its sovereignty and civilization's democracy.
  4. Two-fers: 10% of Timism's global revenue will be ear-marked for loan repayment. Crowdfunders will receive a parallel bonus in US lifehour credits (30,000 at about $30 each).
  5. If Putin's bodyguards do not arrest and extradite Putin within 60 days, you can withdraw you money and keep the lifehour credits.

Potential Crowdfunders:

  1. Individuals who want to stop Putin so as to live and travel in a safer world in the future.
  2. Corporations have paid millions for advertising rights to numerous athletic events: Olympics, March Madness, Superbowl, etc. Many corporations are losing millions due Russia disrupting the global economic balance. They should be willing to lend one or more millions to bribe key Putin persons.
  3. Foundations: If you send a million to Ukraine, it will help Ukraine survive. If you lend a million to arrest Putin, you will reduce the need to donate in the future as well as get your money back with a lifehour credit bonus.

A propos to this proposal: "If you give a man a fish, you free his hunger for a day. But, if we arrest Putin, we free ourselves for a lifetime."

Display Name
Bank Selection
Contact Person
ICANN code 2-letter, e.g.,US
Contact's Email
(must be member)

$1000 fee (two-fer)?

Vote: I support arresting Putin. (top)
ICANN code 2-letter, e.g.,US
Member Email: