March 14, 2022


Dick's Sporting Goods has an opportunity to help defend democracy by helping Ukraine to defend its lands, freedoms and independence. By bogging down Russia in Ukraine, this helps prevent war between Russia and the West. The means to this end is to encourage Americans to donate personal weapons for quick transfer to Ukraine--see Email and Ad for details.

In a few weeks, over 10,000 hunting rifles could be in the hands of Ukrainian fighters. Sadly, when enough Russian families suffer the loss of loved ones, popular uprisings will topple Putin a la October 1917. Sniper fire from a distance will defeat Russia moreso than modern technology. Soldiers fear silent, distant snipers more than planes and tanks from which one can seek shelter when they approach. According to news accounts, to minimize public backlash, Putin ordered cremations so that mangled bodies do not appear on social media. Furthermore, Russia has announced the recruitment of 16,000 mercenaries from Syria (March, 11, 2022). Let us help Ukranians to send Russians and "Hessians" back home in caskets.

The U.S. may not put "boots on the ground" but Dick's Sporting Goods can organize guns on the ground by better arming Ukrainians. This was the Lend-Lease policy of the US pre-Pearl Harbor becoming the Arsenal of Democracy in WWII.

Achilles Heel: Helping to stop Russia in Ukraine is in all business' overall interest. As inflation accelerates (due increasingly to Putin's war), your customers' reduced discretionary spending will hit your bottom line. You should prepare contingency plans for reducing your store count by 25% to 40% in the next two to four years due to inevitable, devolving economic trends which are not in your spreadsheets. Failure to defend democracy and Ukraine will initiate a sustained nation-wide "Boycott Dick's Sporting Goods" campaign that will further reduce your sales.

I apologize for the brusqueness of this missive, but extreme times require extreme measures. Most extreme is the elephant-in-the-room: Climate Change, an issue bigger than defending democracy and saving Ukraine. I first wrote upon it in 1982. As noted in Hydrophilia: CO2's Smoking Gun, Russian troops should be fighting Siberian forest fires, not Ukrainians. They need to stop the closed loop of CO2 droughts>fires>CO2 droughts ad infinitum. Russia may win the battle for Ukraine but it will worsen the chances of winning the war to save life on Planet Earth: The Primary Moral Imperative. For me, Dick's Sporting Goods doing the right thing is something you may not do which is why "Boycott Dick's Sporting Goods" is linked on Timism homepage and all transaction summary pages. I will immediately replace with verbage of your choosing when you have initiated the email and ad campaign. And, I am available until Monday, March 21 for Q&A to tie up loose ends ... gratis.

The enclosures are to inform you of a new political force not only for better democracy but to fulfill the Primary Moral Imperative. I hope you do your part.

Thank you,

Robert S. "Bob" Barnett
Richmond Virginia 23225 (for Zoom conference, send email address)
804-801-2130 (text only)

cc: Ukraine Embassy, Dick's (25 execs), Washington Post(3 columnists), New York Times(4 columnists), Wall Street Journal(2 columnists), Pentagon(JCS),

P.S. I have put on hold the negotiations to sell my internet company to an European cloud service for eight-figures so as to use my wits to stop the horror and inhumanity of Putan's war. Dick's Sporting Goods can do so much for so little. I share with key building blocks to a better future: Brainbees, Lifehours, the Primary Moral Imperative, and what I am.