Nuclear Disarmament

Why Putin did what he did.

The nuclear threat. What about India, Pakistan, Iran. No worry about the other nuclear powers ... for now.

when ?%

Pro bono request for "Global Democracy Tax" for Ukraine based on brainbee revenues.

Letter uploaded at for reviewing linked documentation

Partners of BDO and McGuire-Woods


I have software (brainbees) that will do to decision/policy-making what 1990s computerization did to accounting, bookkeeping and logistics cutting costs by 90%. Brainbees are like spellingbees. Instead of spelling simple words, brainbees prioritize problem-solutions through a meritocratic process of elimination. Brainbees are like printing presses which work any country regardless of the language (150 setup already).

A key to brainbees' generic, universality is how every human decision can be unquely defined by two parameters:

  1. A nation's two-letter ICANN code.
  2. The postal code of the building where the public or private decision-making occurs.

An overview of the brainbees is listed in "The Global Democracy Tax" including brainbee variations and revenue disbursement schedule.

I was gifted with a great mental sponge and long attention span as indicated in numerous achievements.

  1. Graduated cum laude from largest Illinois university (29,000) in just over two years. (transcript)
  2. One semester of seven courses I ace'd 24 credit hours.
  3. Importantly for the elephant in the room,
  4. A famous, intellectual pioneer answered the following question five years into the friendship, "David, why am I your friend?" to which he answered, "In my life I recognize only five people who were smarter than me, and, you are the only one still alive."

Because of being raised in extreme poverty and depravity, in spirit I am a Mohandas Gandhi not a Bile Guts which belies my little interest in the inevitalble tsunami of brainbee wealth.  I am a minimalist mentalist not a malignant materialist. I live like a baby chicken: cheap, cheap, cheap. Giving is living which is easy if one believes that "From those to whom much is given, much is expected."

Part and parcel to public brainbees is a reward system that will evolve into a payment system for life's necessitities: food, healthcare, utilities, taxes, loans, etc. The reward unit is the Lifehour which will unite symbols of wealth with the substance of worth in solving humanities problems. (summary of properties). If a person shares a time-saving solution to a common shared time-wasting problem, one should have a finder's fee in the hours of life saved: lifehours.

The Global Democracy Tax is a necessary step to addressing the elephant in the room: Climate Hell. I first wrote on global warming in 1982 with "Oil Droughts." Based on the CO2's electro-chemistry, I predicted worsening droughts with downwind deluges that would worsen social, economic and political chaos from destruction of the foodchain.

No research explains the molecular process behind climate change. All are merely descriptive. If you want to understand the atmospheric metabolism of CO2, read "Hydrophilia: The .Molecular Smoking Gun of Climate Change." Inasmuch as CO2 is as important as H20 in biological processes, if you want to read the range of CO2 impact, read CO2: The Global Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule, e.g., AlphaTrifecta: How rising CO2 is behind rising rates of Autism, ADHD and Alzheimer as well as Asthma and Allergies. (Also, see essays[?], Global Dying websegment, and YouTube[?]).

Rising rates of inflation destabilize economies fueling extremism, e.g., "Nothing made the German people ripe for Hitler's extremes as the Inflation." Political and economic incompetence contributes little to the systemic inflation caused by the lowest level of prices determination, the foodchain. Rising inflation and chaos is unstoppable without the benefits of better democracy from brainbees.

The Global Democracy Tax(GDT) is worthy of Pro Bono assistance, but not as important as what it is an essential necessary component of reversing climate change. I have almost 40 years considering the alphabet of needed changes to fulfill the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on Planet Earth--see Manheavn Project. Actually, billing for services rendered will be posted for payment from the GDT.

To optimally implement and manage the GDT, accounting and legal services are needed--click on previous links.Given that Richmond, Virginia, has offices of two candidates (BDO and McGuire), it would be expeditious for killing the elephant if both firms claimed the service. Additional benefits are eventual payment for services rendered and reversing climate change--I have two silver bullets and a golden dagger metaphorically speaking. One of the latter is a Disaster Prep websegment. Of course, both services will become go-to leaders for questions on the ramification of brainbees into many fields.

BDO and Msd ... Digital Ocean

Each needs to designate a person in the Richmond to meet for an initial evaluation of the proposal. Hopefully, a January 5, 2023, meeting can be arranged. From necessity, I will otherwise begin my 40,000 email marketing campaign the next day. There is no obligation in this exploratory meeting. I understand your reservations.

P.S. If you are not the head of Pro Bono services and think this proposal has merit, please forward your support.