Ukraine: Defense of Democracy

  1. Review submissions
  2. Loan repay
  3. Leave on tarmac ... ICC must indite for crimes against humanity
  4. Pump shotguns or automatic
  5. Foster care
  6. corporate sponsors ... pay salary with one-year bonus in Swiss bank account
  7. conscripts: boarders. one month pay, one year in bank account ... work rebuilding ukraine
    1. It takes a brave person, regardless of motivation, to cross a battlefield for a purpose greater than the reason given for the war: Democracy. Such a person risks execution if caught. Such a person deserves respect.
    2. If you feel sorry for the young people forced in sex trafficking you should feel sorry for young males forced to be cannon fodder. Don't transfer your Putin hate to the wrong targets. Increasingly as the war went bad for Japan, foresighted leaders discouraged wasteful banzai charges and encouraged soldiers to life for re-building Japan. Same with minds that can help rebuild Russia's political and emotional values.
  8. Nelson Mandela/bishop Tutu program ... speak truth to power
  9. Why Russian diplomats and soldiers should vote with their feet for democracy and peace
    1. PMI
    2. Russia's future
  10. Unconditional surrender.
  11. Putin will make a diplomatic pause in order to restart later after retraining troops and resupplying arms.